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Old 1st June 2004, 14:01     #7
It would be interesting to know what happens in a max security prison in NZ.

I think on a slashdot "top 10 worst jobs" one of the jobs was for students interviewing prison inmates ( in the US ) for a thesis about abuse in prison. Apparently it was really harrowing for the students because of what was described by the inmates and the pleading for them to help make it stop.

It's actually really terrible... I mean, what if you made a bad choice on the road and you end up causing an accident and killing a family, resulting in 10 years in prison. Sure, it's terrible you killed people, but to be living a normal life one moment, to getting raped daily the next is horrific.

Last edited by Lightspeed : 1st June 2004 at 14:04.
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