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Jenza 12th January 2004 14:07

How long does it take you to go to sleep?
I've been noticing this recently that I'm taking _ages_ to go to sleep, 1h+. I suspect it's fucking up my sleeping patterns and making me tired and unable to get up in the morning.

How long do you think on average you get to sleep?

Any tips on falling asleep faster?

triki 12th January 2004 14:09

sex, ganja, watching anime helps me sleep easy

leadinjector 12th January 2004 14:10

good hard wank can do the trick.

seriously though I have the same problem, takes me yonks to actually fall asleep unless i am incredibly tired.

BadNova 12th January 2004 14:11

Re: How long does it take you to go to sleep?

Originally posted by Jenza
Any tips on falling asleep faster?
Spend the hour before going to bed in a dark room - turn the lights off and turn down the brightness on your TV or monitor or whatever. If your body's used to being in the dark you'll get tired and fall asleep quicker.

jeff_sichoe 12th January 2004 14:11

if i close my eyes and listen to every noise the house makes (creaks etc) then I fall alseep pretty quick.

Epox 12th January 2004 14:16

I just pretend every creak and noise my house makes is some psycho coming to kill me and the shear terror drives me to sleep.

Zag0r 12th January 2004 14:34

getting to sleep in <1hr is good night fo me.

Pimpfish 12th January 2004 14:36

Five to ten minutes, usually I don't remember much after getting into bed.

Phantom 12th January 2004 14:37

Get away from a computer / tv an hour prior to going to bed. Read a book or do the dishes or something.

Odysseus 12th January 2004 14:41

It takes me 10-20 minutes to get to sleep if I try and snooze directly after computer stuff.

If it's been TV watching or reading, it'll take about 2 minutes tops. Often happens so quick that I forget to turn the light off.

Foggerty 12th January 2004 15:38


Originally posted by Odysseus
If it's been TV watching or reading, it'll take about 2 minutes tops. Often happens so quick that I forget to turn the light off.
/breaks down and sobs...
I hate you!

I've been going to bed around 2:00 quite regularly lately - simply because otherwise I lie awake with random crap going through my head for bloody hours. I'm currently unemployed however, so my fault for letting my sleeping paterns get pushed this far forward. Remember folks, it's much harder to reset them than it is to fuck them up, because you're not just resetting you bodys clock you're also fighting against a habit you've developed :(


Originally posted by Phantom
Get away from a computer / tv an hour prior to going to bed. Read a book or do the dishes or something.
Yup, very good advice.

I'm also setting my alarm fairly early (i.e. 7:00 - for me this is an evil early hour invented by Satan) so that the following night I will want to go to bed at a reasonable time cos I'll be feeling so tired (so goes the theory, hasn't really worked so far because I wake up, switch it off and fall back to sleep in about five seconds, then wake again at past midday. That, or I sleep through two hours of radio, but with weird dreams that involve the Radio Active breakfast DJs.).

chiQ 12th January 2004 15:45

So long as I get my 20min hardout cycling a day I fall asleep fast and feel good when I wake up. If I don't get the exercise for a day or two I have trouble sleeping and sleep lightly.

I used to have awful trouble sleeping and took antihistamine (the old, sedative variety), which helped me get to sleep, but meant I took a while to wake up.

I prefer the exercise route though, and it's helped my general health. Sometimes I do more than just 20mins fast pedalling, but that's the absolute minimum, and I don't do more than 20mins at a time of the really hard-out stuff now - it just wore me out. I walk a lot too, which seems the ideal form of exercise if you have an hour to kill and the weather is nice - low impact, refreshing, and a good all-round workout - also great for a good night's sleep :)

Jenza 12th January 2004 16:04

I suspected that using the computer right up intil I went to bad was responsible. Going to try to get off it an hour before bed and see how that helps.

Need a good book I think.

jeff_sichoe 12th January 2004 16:22

alamein / berlin are fucking good, I always have fun dreams after reading before bed. It helps that i'm obsessed with Enemy Territory at the moment as well.

flic 12th January 2004 16:26

about 5 minutes on average
sometimes longer if I have alot on my mind

my partner trained himself to fall asleep after about 2-3 exhales while he was in the army.
I used to think he was pretending to be asleep but you can actually hear when someone is properly asleep


Evoke 12th January 2004 16:42

I fall asleep as soon as I look at the pillow... mmm Sleep, even thinking about it makes me snoozy.

Azzied 12th January 2004 16:54

In this heat, fooking ages. It's hard to sleep when you're sweaty, sticky and frustrated.

Slothking 12th January 2004 16:56

My sleep patterns seem to fluctuate on alternate weeks. My sleep patterns could basically be summised as follows:

Odd weeks: Asleep moment head hits pillow
Even weeks: Asleep 2 hours after head hits pillow

This pattern of weaving in and out of Insomnia is driving me nuts.

renegade 12th January 2004 16:58

Re: How long does it take you to go to sleep?

Originally posted by Jenza
Any tips on falling asleep faster?
Read posts by pluck

Zag0r 12th January 2004 17:00


Originally posted by Azzied
In this heat, fooking ages. It's hard to sleep when you're sweaty, sticky and frustrated.
throw in burnt and its a whole barrel of fun.

Jenza 12th January 2004 17:20


Originally posted by flic
my partner trained himself to fall asleep after about 2-3 exhales while he was in the army.
Yeah I've heard of that technique, however I can't find too much information on it.

To be able to do that would rock.

nayru 12th January 2004 18:14

Sometimes it takes me a while to get to sleep.

My suggestions include:

reading a book and having a hot drink, not doing too much late at night to over stimulate the mind such as using a computer. For some people, music helps, too.

Farmer Joe 12th January 2004 18:16

I usually get into bed, turn the light off, close my eyes and within a minute or so I'll be asleep. If you exercise regularly you'll feel more awake in the day and fall asleep in no time :).

MoP 12th January 2004 18:34


good hard wank can do the trick.
tried and true

DigitalDroppings 12th January 2004 18:35

I've been reading the Bible...2-3 words and I'm out da monkey.

Insanity 12th January 2004 18:39

takes me at least 20 minutes (that's when I'm very tired)

typically takes 40 minutes and upwards. Pain in the ass t_t

So to avoid lying there for ages I end up going to bed when I start feeling tired, coupled with being a lazy sob and sleeping in it gradually pushes my wake hours forward until I'm up at stupid hours of the morning and decide to fix it >_<

Phantom 12th January 2004 18:44


Originally posted by Insanity
So to avoid lying there for ages I end up going to bed when I start feeling tired, coupled with being a lazy sob and sleeping in it gradually pushes my wake hours forward until I'm up at stupid hours of the morning and decide to fix it >_<
I can't remember the study in question, but chiQ reminded me of it when we were jamming the other day: People without any external stimulus (clocks, natural light - etc) ended up conforming to a 25 hour diurnal cycle. That is, they behaved as if the day was 25 hours long, which would explain this common trend you talk about, where people find themselves going to bed later and later and then getting up later and later. Especially prevalent amongst people who don't have to go to work in the morning, as there is little stimulus to force the cycle.

Juju 12th January 2004 19:02

Mine can really vary. From 2 hours to 2 minutes.
Lately I have found it hard simply because of the heat. My room has little circulation because the only window is the ranch slider which opens out onto the street so I can't leave that open. Cause of this and having the afternoon sun beaming in all day, and being an apartment with 20cm thick concrete walls on either side.... it gets pretty toasty in here.

Also depends whats on my mind... how much sleep ive had recently... etc..

Nahaz 12th January 2004 19:03

Usually less than ten minutes. Pitch black and no sound helps for a solid sleep.

Helious 12th January 2004 19:12


Originally posted by Nahaz
Usually less than ten minutes. Pitch black and no sound helps for a solid sleep.
If i'm zonked or drunk usually within 15mins..

but generally it's 1hr+ sometimes 3hrs? I can't help but thing about things.. stupid things at that..

and sometimes I try not to think of things.. so I imagine a black wall~ or just darkness - but then I start thinking about not thinking and i'm fucked again..

Been like that for years.. but yeah - it's probably due to the fact that i'm on a pc from 7am till 11pm+ and that isn't good.

I might try the dishes at 10pm trick and maybe a spot of vacuuming.. I imagine that might work!

circa 12th January 2004 19:40


Originally posted by Zag0r
getting to sleep in <1hr is good night fo me.
same here

something that worked good (if you have a tv in your room):

pull out some old movie that you know pretty much exactly what happens, set the time-off thingy for 30 mins, lay in bed with no lights on and sooner or later you'll feel so fucken sleepy that if you put your head down you'll fall aslepp instantly

well, works for me :P

Koldzy 12th January 2004 19:49

takes me atleast an hour, always has done

Torka 12th January 2004 19:52


Originally posted by leadinjector
good hard wank can do the trick.
This man speaks the truth.

drone 12th January 2004 19:55

Usually less than 5 minutes. If I'm really zonked, it can be seconds, but that doesn't usually happen to often. Also, if I'm agitated or annoyed for some reason, it'll take a lot longer (hours).

xor 12th January 2004 20:56

meh, usually about 10-15min for me to fall asleep.
It isn't hard, I just say the lords prayer and he guides me in my dreams

Flick 12th January 2004 21:31


Originally posted by leadinjector
good hard wank can do the trick.

Well I don't think "wank" is the right word for girls... but whatever you call it, it works for me.

xor 12th January 2004 21:36


Originally posted by Flick
Well I don't think "wank" is the right word for girls... but whatever you call it, it works for me.
Dirty gal.

Trigger 12th January 2004 21:38


Evoke 12th January 2004 21:41

hey trigger, were you in pastoral house today? I'm sure I saw you.. unless it was some other dreads dude.

Trigger 12th January 2004 21:54

yep that was me
I'll be working there this week

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