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Logik 16th November 2000 19:53

8/10 Teenagers are Bisexual?
Anyone see the shorts for Holmes tonight?

8/10, I dont know what everyone else gets up to, but 8/10 is a damned high figure.

cyc 16th November 2000 20:04

I am no expert in this area and any clinical psychologist, behaviourial anthropologist and researcher would be much more qualified than I am to comment on this. However, you've gotta remember a few things (having read a few reports on sexual behaviour for a history paper) :-

1. How does the authors define "bi-sexual"? Does a normally 100% heterosexual person having fantasies about the private parts of another male qualify him as bi-sexual?

2. Do you base their conclusion on anecdoctal evidence or actual clinical observations?

3. Sample size

Personally, I am generally very skeptical of these studies on sexuality. You only need to look at the methods the Kinsey team used in writing their reports. I also remember a classic quote by one of the authors of a US report on pornography, when asked to define pornography : "I know it when I see it" he replied. It can be VERY subjective.

TC->Mr Melon 16th November 2000 20:24

am i bi-sexual if i want 2 chicks at once? :P

p-b 16th November 2000 20:31

Melon: Sounds like you want to have your cake and eat it too..

Hyper 16th November 2000 20:54

no melon, thats being called <big>_greedy_</big>, give 1 to me

Maxx 16th November 2000 20:59

If u asked u.l 10 times if he fantasised about men...i htink 8 out of 10 times he would say yes.... and the other 2 times he would be lying

Ηγ®™ερ 16th November 2000 21:18

im not bi sexual

im tri-sexual i try anything thats sexual (apart from gay & animalsex)

pitty im underage

but who gives a shit

If you don't like me, then suck my donkey!

[This message has been edited by Ηγ®™ερ (edited 17 November 2000).]

Akane 16th November 2000 21:28

I thought everybody has a bit of "gay-ness" in them, it depends if it's a lot (gay), 1/2 1/2 (bisexual) or little (hetrosexual)

Trenchant 16th November 2000 21:38

Ηγ®™ερ: i try anything thats sexual (apart from gay shit)

Quote of the day, surely.

[ASY] > Statik 16th November 2000 22:10

8/10!??!?!!?!?!? supposible 1/10 ppl are gay so that cant be right. holmes is never right tho

purple+kush 16th November 2000 22:27

<font face="Lucida Console" size="3" color="#33FF66">

Bah, being a bi in my views means yer have both bits.

It also means you are in a unique situation, where as one can have the best of both worlds erm.. *cough*.

<font size="0" color="#000000">

Bent 16th November 2000 22:58

Erm, PK, I think what you're thinking of is commonly reffered to as being transexual.

necom 16th November 2000 23:21

Erm, Bent, I think what you're thinking of is commonly reffered to as being hermaphrodite

Spoon1 17th November 2000 00:11

That's "referred" people.

Splat 17th November 2000 00:14

hahaha classic guys

Jackal 17th November 2000 00:46

Hmm, dont know about people being Bi-Sexual...but what about...
<font face="arial" size="12">Lemon Curry??!</font>

Ok, it's getting old, I'll stop now. Honest.

[This message has been edited by Jackal (edited 16 November 2000).]

Asmodeus [RD] 17th November 2000 01:44

8/10 FEMALES yes.....but Teenagers ?? I very very much doubt it. Perhaps Holmes just fucked it up or something....

Tiberius Caesar 17th November 2000 05:07

Cartman: Doesnt being trisexual mean fucking animals as well?

You freak!!!!

Ps freaks should be shot.

Trigga*happY 17th November 2000 10:23

Guys, those statistics were based on the Kensey inquiry, which has long since been rubbished by the entire community, political and scientific, except the ones who want it to be true.


triki 17th November 2000 11:08

lesbians mmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMmm

Endymion 17th November 2000 11:35

Is platonic love between two people of the same gender grounds for calling them bi-sexual?

Because this is perhaps a reason that the number is so high.

Addict.Net - can you resist one more hit?

^BITES^ 17th November 2000 11:41

Kome on it was funny that lady was my old Warden/dean and she tried to suspend me for arson shes a roger ramjet regal nazi bitch.

Shes just crazy

[email protected]
ICQ# 39109911

Master Villain 17th November 2000 11:43

I think some people think the definition of bisexual is very loose, as in if I think some guy is good looking then I'm bisexual. So I'd have to say I am under that definition, though personally I think it is a more specific term.

bladez 17th November 2000 12:35

Well... think about it from this angle then.

You all been looking at a fine lookin woman.. you get it and sweaty and she says. Do me in the (_:_)

Now if sodamy is what Homosexual males are most commonly known for then does it make you a Homosexual if you want to do her in the ASS??

*summoner geek* Are there any girls there?

[alien] 17th November 2000 12:35

fair enuff

Useless 17th November 2000 12:44

Maxx: Go fuck yourself ;D!

Knowing Maxx he'll do it, he is Mister Asexual ;D!

Ignorance is bliss.....=)

Dissectional 17th November 2000 13:17

I'm not a teenager, but I'd still fuck you, Logik.

Hurrah for statistics ! May they funnel our drones into buckets.

If Paul said it, it has to be true !

Logik 17th November 2000 13:39

Yeah i guess everyone has a different definition of bi-sexual. Woman naturally are more bi-sexual then guys, to put it one way.

Like triki said, mmmmMMMMmmm lesbians

Sp0nge 17th November 2000 14:10

mmmMMMMMMmmmmm lesbians. long as theyre not the butch type.

p-b 17th November 2000 14:26

Hehehe, Lesbian Spank Inferno....

Master Villain 17th November 2000 15:25

Heh, you watched that too? *L*

ChaosWulf 17th November 2000 16:01

Women are naturally more bi-sexual than guys? What gives you this idea?
The barbie blondes who can't seem to sit on the same couch without schlurping each other in pr0n vidoes are NOT representative of the rest of the worlds population of females, you know

Actually I would have to say males are more naturally bi-sexual, not in a social sense, but certainly.

/walks off singing "In The Navy"

Master Villain 17th November 2000 16:07

Read my article, hehehe.

Go West is a much better song.... *L*

p-b 17th November 2000 16:35

Hehe MV, I was lucky enough to tape the episode and I've been watching it over and over...

That dinner table Lesbian discussion is classic!

nine 17th November 2000 16:40

Why is there any confusion over what bisexual means? If you have sex or take part in sexual activities with members from both genders, then you're bisexual. I would agree with Asmo on the ratio of bisexuality and disagree with ChaosWulf, a greater proportion of girls are clean and non-scody than guys, as this is the norm for our society. Makes it easier for girls to be attracted to girls, and guys not to guys. That's how i see it anyway

Master Villain 17th November 2000 16:40

I liked the giggleloop episode, especially the bit where they were playing Resivoir Dogs.... *L* I'm wishing I'd seen the whole series now.

Chris Harris 17th November 2000 16:49

That giggleloop one was one of my favourite episodes... That giggleloop discription was so true. Heaps of times where you're in moments of silence you feel the need to giggle build and build...

And yeah, the resevior dogs part was funny too, they were walking slow motion then one of girls said "hey are you coming?" and they started walking normally!

[This message has been edited by Chris Harris (edited 17 November 2000).]

ChaosWulf 17th November 2000 16:53

nine: If women are not attracted to women, and the majority of them are not, then all the clean tidy "babes" out there won't have a chance of making them change their sexuality.

I mean, ffs - if most guys saw a "scody" girl and a nice looking guy, would they immediately drop their pants and grab their ankles?
Be realistic, please.

Master Villain 17th November 2000 16:55

He'd have to have a good job and nice car... *L*

p-b 17th November 2000 17:04

What does "scody" exactly mean? Ugly?

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