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Old 17th April 2008, 13:42     #1
Lair patch Impressions

Fired up the patch last night. And I downloaded and installed the patch that was on the US store which said there were two new dragons.

But it didn't seem to work. I don't have new dragons. But everything else is there.

I liked the game before and I liked the controls apart from the 'tricks'.

Anyway. I played one mission and did some of the training. And here is my impressions.

The analogue control is not as good as motion control. I will have to give it more of a play but I found it felt wrong. Sure it seemed you could do some turning etc better, but it was not smooth and didn't make me feel like I was riding/controlling the dragon. And for the small adjustments and medium speed turning (eg you want to turn but not at full speed) the motion controls are way nicer.

If you turn on analogue, you still use the motion controls for everything except steering the dragon and you can no longer do the DASH, that is mapped to the D-pad. The 180 is also mapped to the D pad but can still be done using six-axis which is great.

If you leave it off it is business as usual except you can use the D-pad to pull off the Dash and 180, which is perfect. Makes it possible to 180 then instantly dash, trying to get the timing for this was almost impossible previously.

One issue I have is they don't have an invert controls option which isn't that big of a deal but would be nice for those of us that do game non inverted.

They have added an option to turn on a crosshair. Which is good except it is too big and gets in the way especially if the target is far.

They have changed the targeting system. I haven't' really worked it out yet but I didn't really have a problem with the old system. The new system seems to lock on from about half the distance away which seems worse to me. And now the fireball will not auto aim unless the crosshair is over the target or if you lock which you can only do from closer than before.

So far I am undecided. I would have been happy with the addition of the Dpad dash and 180 only.

I have still not completed the game, but it is by far the game I played the most of, bar perhaps pixeljunk monsters. I enjoy replaying the missions to get the better medals etc.
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