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Old 16th November 2000, 20:04     #2

I am no expert in this area and any clinical psychologist, behaviourial anthropologist and researcher would be much more qualified than I am to comment on this. However, you've gotta remember a few things (having read a few reports on sexual behaviour for a history paper) :-

1. How does the authors define "bi-sexual"? Does a normally 100% heterosexual person having fantasies about the private parts of another male qualify him as bi-sexual?

2. Do you base their conclusion on anecdoctal evidence or actual clinical observations?

3. Sample size

Personally, I am generally very skeptical of these studies on sexuality. You only need to look at the methods the Kinsey team used in writing their reports. I also remember a classic quote by one of the authors of a US report on pornography, when asked to define pornography : "I know it when I see it" he replied. It can be VERY subjective.
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