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Old 3rd January 2004, 19:23     #68
Shite, getting annoyed eh boys?

Wuffle: Read hrough my posts, where I say that i'd treat a white person that sat on his ass doing nothing all day the exact same way. Sit the fuck down.

Doppleganger of someone: Couldn't have said that any better myself, except when it comes to being the bigger man and giving something back to them, from my experience with them I wouldn't want to give them sweet fuck all. Simply because nearly all my expereinces with that culture are bad ones.

Boyd: I'm sure that in your eyes I am coming off as a petulent, immature, rednecked little boy who's got far too big of a mouth for his own good, but of course i'm going to, because I have a different opinion than you. Until you learn to accept that other peoples opinions can and will differ from your own, I would suggest sitting down and trying to learn how to relax and accept that not everyone is as mainstream as you. If i go against the grain (which in this discussion board I believe I am) all you've got to say is "fuck off, you prick, confrom cunt" basically. As for meeting me face to face, I have no problem with that, as I am exactually the same irl as I am here, there are people on these boards that know me irl, and believe me I wouldn't have the slightest problem in sitting down and discussing this with you (maybe you could even bring cyc so that you two have a bandwagon). Not once have I tryed to shout down everyone here, read all my posts again, they are as maturely written as either yours or cycs. Maybe if you actually read what I wrote and responded approprietly to my points then I wouldn't have to repeat them, in the vague hope that you may catch them the next time round. I find it funny that you move from the actual argument at hand and onto attacking my reading skills. Try harder.

Cyc: I am not allowing Maoris to be shat on, they are given the same oppurtunitys that I was, they didn't take them or if they did they put in shit all effort. I'm not supporting the Maoris being the second class citizen (sp?), I've reserved that for all the people in any race that don't work for what they get. Do you understand that, or do I need to repeat it (especially for Boyd)? Now what chance do you think that everyone in New Zealand would get along if the Maori get the land anyhow? It would just start more fights, put it this way, it's a human nature case at it's finest...Of course there would still be more fighting, arguing etc, not everyone is just gonna drop it all and hold hands because people like you and Boyd forced the government to give away land to the Maori, I dare say it would esculate. Oh by the way, I'm not a kiddie.
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