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Old 3rd January 2004, 17:26     #64
Originally posted by Bread
Er, no. The former wasn't in violation of our own laws, because we weren't involved. This isn't true with the latter. As I see it, that's pretty much what it boils down to...

It's not like a executing the grandson of a dead murderer; like Boyd said, it can be done without causing you any grief.

That couldn't have been put much better. We want to claim that we have laws and are law-abiding and therefore we need to play to our own rules.

To the kiddies like Wolf-age, here's a hint: If you keep on supporting the status quo and keep allowing Maori to be shat on, it really doesn't bode well for your own moral worth and how the decent and fair-minded will see you.

And here's another thing to contemplate: Did you know that you are partially right about a lot of Maori being caught up in grievance mode? The only thing you missed out on is who's responsible for it. Believe me, I've seen for myself how young Maori are being stirred by their elders to become more militant and extreme, in order for some self-interested people to maintain their domineering positions within settlement negotiations with the Crown and so forth.

For as long as the majority keep thinking that being unfair is a Cool Thing, these selfish minority will be able to take advantage of your acts to hold the good people in Maoridom back, thereby holding YOU back as well. Now sit down and think of how much this country will benefit when you get 500k+ people content and truly integrated into the mainstream.

(Edit) Didn't see BillHague's reply.... nice to see you going to the Light Side, man Serious, I do agree with your sentiments -- I think ultimately Maoridom will have to accept some form of universal, full and final settlement, but it has to be just. The optimistic side of me still holds out hope for this - afterall, the Canadian government managed it with quite a massive collective of Inuit people.

Last edited by cyc : 3rd January 2004 at 17:30.
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