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Old 3rd January 2004, 13:12     #47
DigitalDroppings: If everything that you have stated is true, then you are not an average Maori, I don't believe Maori that take the oppurtunitys given to them and avoid participating in crime are lowlives, actually I think that they should be proud of themselves. You my friend, are a perfect example of what I was saying earlier, having taken the oppurtunitys given to you, you have done well and are equal with any half decent white person that did the same as you, hear that...EQUAL. You worked for it, deserved it and got it, well done. Also, I don't agree or condone what that farmer did to you, that's way out of line, don't get me wrong, I don't think that all white people are good and fine, if there is a white person out there that doesn't take what oppurtunitys come his way and chooses to slack through life, I have the same contempt for him if he trys to get benefits. So it's not just a Maori thing, it's just that it is this time round, in this particular argument.
Calling me a stupid git teenager, sorry, don't see how that fits me. I'm not stupid, thanks.

Torka: I was running through Boyd's and cyc's point of view, if we absolutly had to return the land to it's rightful owner, it would/should not go to the Maori, as the Moriori were here before them, and who knows how they got here etc. I don't really believe we should go looking through ancient feces.

Bradman: Me going on about Maori in schools, let me explain, as I went to a school that was rougly half-half Maori to White ratio I could see how they worked, they would sell drugs at the school (there were a couple of whites that also did this, but predominatly Maori), they would get in groups of 3 or more and beat the shit out of a lone European, completely unprovoked attacks (please understand that I was not racist in the least until I was attacked three times for 'fun' by large groups), now I don't see how this is them refusing to conform to European life, All i saw out of these situations was that they were violent, drugged and uneducated idiots. I don't see myself as narrow minded, and as soon as one of you can present an argument that makes me think and feel differently about those little fucks that I met at Te Puke high school I would gladly have a re-think about my stance on this issue, but at this stage all i've seen is accusations and guilt trips. Get this into your heads, I don't give two flying fucks about what my fathers father and your fathers father did, it was none of my buisness, or yours. Also my parents didn't shovel me any of this, I found out for myself and made my own decisions as I have gone through life. My cousins are half caste, they try their hardest and I respect them, although that said, my eldest cousin is in jail, serving for fraud and armed robbery, so I don't respect him and never will. See the difference?

In short, until you know the circumstances you should just fuck up.
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