Thread: Thank You
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Old 5th January 2003, 03:54     #4
sure, i failed my wof because my whipers weren't correct and my headlights were tilted slightly down so there was no danger for anyone on the streets.
Headlights/Whipers is the standard drill that my mechanic does everytime i do my wof there, even if they are correct and without any problems, just his way of taking more money... i delayed this because im broke at the moment and the cop that gave me this was a power tripping dumb ass... my car wasn't even close to be any 'danger' to anyone on the road... this was just pure evil.

Fuck, i got pulled up with my civic that didnt have a wof and the list that i had for repairs to get one was huge, and i didnt get a thing, this was just EVIL>.......!!

just uncalled for, thats all. he should have just given me a 200$ ticked and tell me to roll my car to my house down the road... not green sticker me like that. lame ass hoe.

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