Thread: Evolution
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Old 28th October 2003, 16:23     #70
Uncle Gus
Originally posted by AycorzFewdz
Huh evolution is random? Isn't its purpose to make the species better adapted for survival?
No. That's exactly my point. Evolution doesn't have a "purpose." It isn't a sentient cosmic entity or anything. It's not even a "built-in" process. It's just the name given to the process of random mutations causing species to change.

E.g. A herd of funny looking creatures that live in a swamp. They have long legs and useless forelimbs. In one generation, there are a bunch of mutants born. One has no eyes, another has no legs, one had two heads, one is sexually dysfunctional etc. etc. etc. but one is born with longer forelimbs, and in fact, if it flaps these forelimbs, it can fly. This mutation happened completely by chance, just like all the other mutations, but it just so happens that this creature can survive better thatn the others, and not only that, it can reach treetops. So off it goes. At one stage it mates, and since the mutation occurs at a genetic level, it passes on its genese to the next generation (assuming this new strain is a dominant gene).

Now there's a bunch of these tree-bird thingies, and they are very well suited to their new environment, while the original creature remains in the swamp. What you have now is two distinct species, but this process happened completely by chance. This particular mutation happened to be successful, but don't forget about the countless mutations that aren't beneficial. That's why this process takes millions of years, because it's chances are pretty slim.
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