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Old 7th September 2008, 12:48     #12
Originally Posted by Mickey
Its like he never faces consequences. Beat up your gf, pay her to avoid a court case. Court case happens anyway, suicide attempt to try and avoid it. Man up ffs.
Zero tolerance for his bullshit.
It's the trial by media that is the bullshit in this case. Take the Campbell Live piece which showed film crews outside his house on the day of his arrest (next street to mine). Campbell mentioned the lawyers by name to impress the viewer into believing that big money is being spent by Veitch and further reinforced this by not only showing the lawyers cars but describing them as black Audi's. And yet I don't recall him saying that one of his lawyers (Doug Alderslade, a partner in Chapman Tripp) specialises in employment law and more than likely was there over employment issues at TVNZ. It was another over the top and sensationalist feeding frenzy.
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