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Old 10th July 2005, 23:53     #14
Yeah, I'm at Auckland with her too. I've had the displeasure of being caught behind her heading up the stairs out of the Human Sciences Building, her tiny skirt giving up the ghost as rolls of her lower buttocks unfurled out. There were about six or seven guys with me, and the collective shudder and simultaneous turning of heads had to be heard and seen to be believed.

That's not all! I was lucky enough to be in her politics class last semester. In the first few lectures in each course, a class representative is picked as a liaison between the class and the department for monthly meetings and the like. It's nothing glamorous, and someone will usually just volunteer nonchalantly. Our class wasn't huge (fourty-something?) so we only had two people raise their hands for it - one fairly ordinary guy, and, natch, Ms NZX. Our lecturer was a pretty laidback guy, and offered them the chance to simply share the position rather than go through the rigmarole of voting. The guy was fine with this. She, naturally, kicked up a fuss worthy of an 8-year old. She got to her feet, and banging her desk, declared:

"No, we HAVE to have an election! I mean, this IS politics! Come on, people! I demand that we give speeches and cast votes!"

Eyes rolled across the room, and the lecturer, who could have been spending his time teaching us rather than wading through this bullshit, let her take the floor. She proceeded to give a spiel about her notoriety from Craccum, how she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted, and how (this is the clincher) since she'd won a fairly substantial bar tab for the student pub as a prize for another gloriously fucking insipid letter, she would shout drinks to those who voted for her.

Facing such subtle bribery, her rival gave a resigned speech, acknowledging that he wasn't all that interested in the position, he didn't have much experience, and that, face it, he couldn't compete with the offer of free beer. The pair retired to the corridor outside, while the class cast their votes.

A minute later, the wretched woman strolls proudly back in to see her name being rubbed off the board (with barely concealed mirth) by our lecturer. The class, unanimously, voted for the other guy. I never saw her in that class again, but the expression of shock and horror on her face will stay with me a lifetime.

The porn thing upped her fame no end. I first saw a copy of the shoot at the flat of some Craccum people, threw it away in drunken horror, only to see it land in the middle of the room, open at the vag spread photo. Superstition? Coincedence? Or a sign of ancient and fucking hideous evil?

Moreover my friend actually went and talked to her in the quad after she related the tale of her porn career in Craccum. From the sound of what she told me about the conversation, the poor girl's pathological. She didn't do the shoot as some sort of female empowerment or self-esteem thing. She just did it for attention and to get talked about. That most of that talking is akin to what's already been said in this thread is irrelevant. She craves fame, and it's at once pathetic, hilarious and fucking horrifying. One of a kind.
Oh and the people who are offering her a record contract are wedding singers, sounds like a prank.
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