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Old 27th August 2005, 09:39     #132

Rodney hide got ONE thing right in his campaigning: this is MMP. It's not the party that wins, but the coalition.

Who really gives a f*ck whether Labour beats National by 5% (or vv)? Neither party is going to win an absolute majority. So unless you're keen on a NZFirst influenced government, support the minor parties.

Originally posted by BoyWonder
The country's already in debt up it's eyeballs. Labour constantly announce huge budget surpluses, and where does that surplus come from? Our pockets. Where do National want to put part of that money? Back in our pockets.
Nonsense. Labour have been reducing debt at a faster rate than before. National plan to end that and allow debt to increase (by 1% of GDP IIRC). This amounts to around $3B. Kinda puts the Kyoto "blowout" into perspective, no? Hey gotta find $10B for tax cuts somewhere.

The notion that this money is just sitting around in some back office in Wellington is bullshit. It is being used for state expenses or debt reduction one way or another. If you take that money back then there are consequences: cutbacks in health, benefits, education, policing - or more national debt for ya kids.

Take your pick (or vote left).

Originally posted by Torka
The most disturbing thing I learned in this thread is that Hannibal is in his thirties.
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