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Old 26th August 2005, 18:56     #125
Jonas Undrawing
Interesting idea Shootme... you're bored... and you vote National in so you can be entertained by their fuck ups. That's pretty dangerous.

I remember last year when we had an exchange jazz student from the USA. We were talking about politics one time and he said he has friends back in the USA who were democrats planning on voting for Bush purely because they were curious to see how much more fucked up their country could get. And they had a distant hope that Bush's continued incompetence would make all of America wake up and impeach the bastard. Sure, that sounds good in theory, watch "the man" and his empire crumble and fall by their own undoing eh? Still, not enough people have been awoken. I guess Bush is still too subtle with his mistakes.

I don't really feel like gambling with things like that for entertainment. If National gets in, I will pretty much be made redundant immediately. I guarrantee that in order for National to save face and deliver the world to their flock, arts funding will be one of the first things to be cut. Just look at the Auckland Uni shenannegans: conservatives in power who think long term returns don't count as returns at all.
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