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Old 24th June 2007, 15:42     #93
Originally Posted by Phantom
I would be seriously interested to see a professional investigation of this - tbh the lack of such is one of my biggest reasons for believing it can't be as bad as people on teh intarwebs are suggesting; surely if it was, the whole thing would have been exposed by an independant consumer advocate?
I think its always good to be skeptical around anecdotal failure stories. Whenever a new console launches and sells hundreds of thousands of units, it only takes a hundred people with bung units to post online and create a frenzy of discussion around poor build quality.

In the case of the 360, there are more of them out there and they have been around longer than either Wii or PS3, so there are bound to have been more failures all other things being equal.

That being said, the persistance of these reports combined with people having repeated failures and the seeming identification of at least one design fault is what I think is pointing towards a bigger problem and what people are latching onto.

Comparatively (and again, anecdotally) I'm just not seeing the same thing for Wii and PS3. I'm not looking for it, but in my random interweb travels, I've only ever come across one person with a PS3 that died, and haven't seen anybody with any Wii troubles (some controller synching issues aside for each). That compares with people mentioning dying 360s all the time.

It will be interesting to see if other retailers come forward with statements about the relative failure rates of the different consoles, as that will be more definitive than any amount of anecdotal evidence and consumer speculation.

In the mean time, carry on the good work chiq
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