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Old 12th May 2009, 00:29     #54
Originally Posted by Fred
I think you do Star Trek a bit of a dis-service. Generally they have tried to keep the internal logic of an episode consistant and often they do try to pay at least some lip service to scientific accuracy. Okuda and Sternbach for TNG tried very hard to keep writers on track with making sense. Especially on the basic stuff like the scale of the universe, how long it takes to travel around it and the like. Three minutes to get from Earth to Vulcan, for instance!?! Or the idea of beaming someone from Titan's atmosphere over to the Earth. It isn't something many are going to notice and it does provide for a very cool shot of the big E rising up out of the atmosphere but it doesn't work well when you think about. For instance if you can beam over that distance, scan to see the internal layout of the ship why couldn't you scan to look for Pike directly then beam him out and beam a nice big warhead back in?

Which I think it the issue I have here, plot coherence and technical sense have been firmly sacrificed for the cool. That means we have gone from stories that attempted to have high concept in them to give the viewers something to think about to now it firmly being action adventure popcorn entertainment. I think Gene Roddenberry would be upset with losing that even while he probably would have enjoyed the reimagining of the characters and a lot of the aesthetics.
Jesus christ. No words.
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