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Old 16th May 2008, 09:39     #10
We'll you've got enough human responses, heres a technical one.

Find a spare old pc with a few network cards in it. 400mhz will do.
Install on it, plug WAN card into your router, and flat switch into LAN port. Can assign these during bootup.

Also install ntop as a package, this will allow you to monitor traffic usage per pc.

You can also do traffic shaping per ip etc etc. Might want to set up some static DHCP leases.

We had an issue at our last place where one of the flatmates would leave p2p going during the day which affected VOIP and browsing and gaming for the rest of us during the day. When asked to tone it back a bit (ntop told us it was her) she said "I pay my share I should be allowed" so we just pemanently throttled her to 256k and she hardly even noticed i think.

Last edited by Delphinus : 16th May 2008 at 09:42.
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