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Old 26th February 2008, 14:37     #501
Originally Posted by Ab
the expanding universe is something that anyone with a telescope and access to a spectrometer can demonstrate.

That the universe is expanding is the only explanation we've yet found for the phenomena we observe. I'm no scientist but I'd say the expanding universe theory is just as solid and provable as evolution.
Because the furthest objects "we can detect" are moving further away from a point in space, does this mean the universe is "expanding"? or does it mean the objects are just moving further away from a point due to being propelled outward at some point.
I don't understand how they even theorise that space is expanding, surely the universe is infinite and has no furthest point? I can't grasp it being considered a container of sorts (with a boundary). If it is a container which is expanding then this creates another problem; what is the container contained within?

So many questions, surely someone can clone Einstein back to life already??? they have his brain in a jar dont they or some of his body so they have the cells it!
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