Thread: HTML
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Old 12th June 2000, 00:29     #3
ahh back engineer, or reverse engineer as tech used to say.
There are heaps of sites around to help u, do a search on altavista or somthing for "learn html" etc etc, or try
There are thousands of sites... i learnt same way as KG.
Get a good graphics proggy 2, like Photoshop, and maybe fireworks (for flash stuff) would come in handy once u get the hang of things.
A good HTML editor, like Dreamweaver or Frontpage 2000 help once u got the hang of most tags. Makes the process so much easier.

Cant think of much else, just look at every1 elses scripts...and learn from there!!

Then u just need some1 to host it for u, like freeservers, xoom, geocities etc etc
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