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Old 23rd July 2007, 01:37     #13
Originally Posted by Juha
It's everything Hamilton is rumoured to be. Seriously. They have been known to just waltz into Macedonia with firearms, take hostages in a blockaded end of town and hide behind 'Human Rights' laws when anyone tries to remove them.
Albania is a condom state for all excess human waste that enters Europe. A large portion of Albanians enter surrounding states illegally, are responsible for slave trafficking (majority of pimps in U.K. that own sex slaves are Albanian - entered illegally of course), weapon smuggling and drug smuggling. They are responsible for burning of ancient churches (well over 700 years old) because it doesn't fit their Muslim ideals, and are on US watch for terrorism - US ambassy in Greece was fired upon with an rpg end of last year. They will stab a knife in your back for money... so thread carefully.
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