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Old 2nd July 2007, 20:11     #28
I've had time to calm down a bit Went back over there when the cops showed so I could bitch about our street being a local drag strip. I can't say for sure how fast he was going, I'd have to say realistically about 130 minimum. He flew past my house redlined (long street downward sloping). I also didn't mention it had just rained and the road was soaking wet (more bonus points for the guy). He went over the centre line, grinding the curb/footpath for a bit, took down about 4 cabbage trees (I think that's what they are called), took out the fence, flipped around backwards slamming into their parked car. *edit- had the parked car not been there he would have easily kept going and ended up clear through the front of their neighbors house..
Going to start the fight to get a speed cam put on the street.

Last edited by Hannibal : 2nd July 2007 at 20:13.
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