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Old 14th April 2006, 15:31     #4153
The Edge
Originally Posted by fidgit
The more I think about it, it doesn't add up if he's 22... Are you sure he's 22 Liz? Was he put up a couple of years?

ilk: I only knew him because he got the same (karori bound) bus as me - but Chris went to primary school with him and confirmed he had a younger sister called Liz. Also, in an entirely unrelated note, I keep meaning to tell you that I found a bunch of photos from, i think, 4th form, that I took - including more than one of you being held upside down.

-=edit=- for your 'not following the thread' edification: his name was Andrew (Shaw, obviously)
Totally bored, and re-reading this classic thread. What happened to those photos fidgit? I could do with a laugh.
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