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Old 9th April 2006, 18:36     #4093
For fuck sakes.

Got round to reading a few of her recent blog entries.

Basically each one = her trying to point finger at everyone else to try and convince herself that driving illegally is OK.

Keeping up with the flow of traffic is far safer then holding people up by going under the speed limit, which is what I imagine she is doing.. Sure excessive speeding is bad, but 5 - 10k's over the limit is in most cases perfectly reasonable.

Liz you have no idea how to drive correctly. That knowledge only comes from experience and tuition. Neither of which you have. Even at the end of driving lessons you wouldnt be a good driver but you would still be far far far safer then you are right now. The roads are not the place for self tuition. A car is not a toy. Most people when they are young think they are excellent drivers, after a while. But I can assure you, as someone who has driven for over 13 years, owned over 9 cars, and completed a few advanced driving courses, that you are a fucking terrible driver. No one can jump in a car teach themselves and proclaim themselves an excellent driver. Its a dangerous and potentially life threatening assupmtion to make.

Go get some proper lessons. if after the first lesson the driving instructor declares you fit for your test, then good for you, but even that will not make you an excellent driver.

Option 2 is to continue to flaunt a sensible law, run the risk of killing someone else because you have no fucking idea, and continue to be the deluded bitch we all know and hate.

If your not going to get proper tuition at least do us a favour and drive the car at high speed into a fucking tree, and make the world a better place.
Teddy Bear Junction, the worst scumhole in the galaxy.
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