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Lightspeed 2nd May 2022 00:05

Sea levels rising twice as fast as thought in New Zealand


The major new projections show infrastructure and homes in Auckland and Wellington - as well as many other places - risk inundation decades earlier than expected.

For example, in just 18 years parts of the capital will see 30cm of sea level rise, causing once-in-a-century flood damage every year.

Lightspeed 2nd May 2022 00:18

This is the link you want:

Sea levels rising twice as fast as thought in New Zealand

Lightspeed 2nd May 2022 17:19

What I am waiting to see is what the number of mass causalities in a single event or set of events that shocks the world is.

We already get thousands of deaths at a time in single regions, so that's obviously not enough. I think a billion at once would be massively disturbing. So somewhere in between is a figure that would evoke a collective "oh fuck".

Given the way India is looking, I don't think we're far off from finding out what that number is.

Ab 2nd May 2022 17:35

Kudos Lightspeed, I knew about this as a story because of this thread - THEN I started seeing it elsewhere.

Have you read David Wallace-Wells's The Uninhabitable Earth yet?

Rising sea levels in NZ is going to be an inconvenience for most people. Some coastal roads and beach properties are going to take damage every winter. In somewhere like Bangladesh, that's millions of deaths. In the Pacific Islands, that's nations gone, Waterworld style. In India and Pakistan and places near the centres of large landmasses, people are just going to drop dead in the street from heat stress.

Caesar 2nd May 2022 17:36


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2020990)

Well somebody doesn't like that information getting out.
Cyber attack hits website showing projected sea level rise

Cyberbob 2nd May 2022 18:03

These billions person problems really feel like democracy and capitalism are two things we are going to have to overcome to solve them. “For the good of humanity” doesn’t really enter the dialogue if it can’t be solved this fiscal year or this administration.

DrTiTus 2nd May 2022 18:29

What's awkward is that even if sea levels aren't rising (climate change mission accomplished), the fact the land is sinking at the same rate, means it's just a shitty place to live. Shouldn't have added that part, because now I just don't care.

Having lived in Eastbourne, that road is already fucked and gets flooded regularly. It's barely above sea level, so tides are enough to cause trouble.

Trigga*happY 3rd May 2022 07:14


Originally Posted by Cyberbob (Post 2021006)
These billions person problems really feel like democracy and capitalism are two things we are going to have to overcome to solve them. “For the good of humanity” doesn’t really enter the dialogue if it can’t be solved this fiscal year or this administration.

I've often wondered if democracy is only really a post war interim solution. Where everyone wants the same thing, but in slightly different flavours. In a world of peace and free capitalism, democracy devolves to a plutocracy. The biggest reason we haven't abolished carbon emissions is because the politicians are afraid of losing wealthy donors, ergo those wealthy donors are really the ones in control.

Somewhere along the way, we have to find an offramp that actually leads to the people having the power, not just the 1%. We have to appoint politicians who will actually enforce climate action, not just promise it then negotiate it away.

_indigo1 3rd May 2022 11:51

Ever see that thing where thousands of people log in and try to crowd control a cloud-enabled game of Pokemon by typing controller buttons into a chat window?

That's democracy.
It's no wonder it can't accomplish anything.

This -

Trigga*happY 3rd May 2022 12:49

I get what you're saying, but no, that's anarchy. Democracy in and of itself is benign and beneficial, it's what society does with it that's problematic. Success is where we direct control, unfortunately we have paired success with financial security. Despite all the tired motivational posters, money does buy happiness and poverty is depressing. That's not to say it's impossible to be happy without it, but it sure helps.

_indigo1 3rd May 2022 13:12

The example is democracy because everyone has equal input but the rules of the game are well defined and executed by a representative (the game character)

Anarchy would be if the game *had* no rules and there were no standard commands to type into chat. As if each person in the chat had a character in the game world simultaneously.

But that's irrelevant.
What is relevant is I was making the point that democracy is directionless on all but the smallest timescales and therefore incapable of tackling problems that scale in time.
It can literally go in circles or stand in the corner and jump repeatedly just as a crowd controlled game character does when looked at on the wider timescale.

I mean - this is not really news though. Just depressing.

Ab 3rd May 2022 14:06

Someone should make a movie about this stuff, but make it about a different disaster so we can pretend it's "fictional", like an imminent comet impact or something

Trigga*happY 4th May 2022 18:02


Originally Posted by _indigo1 (Post 2021019)
The example is democracy because everyone has equal input but the rules of the game are well defined and executed by a representative (the game character)

Anarchy would be if the game *had* no rules and there were no standard commands to type into chat. As if each person in the chat had a character in the game world simultaneously.

But that's irrelevant.
What is relevant is I was making the point that democracy is directionless on all but the smallest timescales and therefore incapable of tackling problems that scale in time.
It can literally go in circles or stand in the corner and jump repeatedly just as a crowd controlled game character does when looked at on the wider timescale.

I mean - this is not really news though. Just depressing.

Indeed, i apologise! I skim read parts of it, but went back and indeed I was mistaken. The point I was making I guess, is that Democracy works in the first 50 years after a major war, but after that, there needs to be stable progression path to something other than a plutocracy, which seems to be where all of our efforts tend to take us.

_indigo1 4th May 2022 19:25

Honestly sometimes I envy the unifying clarity of purpose of a (popular) dictator.
I mean - not all the other stuff that comes with it - but the thought of a nation united under a goal is powerful.

Once we're done replacing all GP's with AI, I think government is next.

Lightspeed 4th May 2022 19:40

Putin's popular.

_indigo1 4th May 2022 20:04

Sure, and imagine the comfort and unity felt among those who buy into his picture of the world and choice and justification of actions.

Lightspeed 20th May 2022 22:21

This will be the new normal before too long, we're gonna have to change up the crops we're accustomed to:

Levin storm 'will have effect on national supplies'

Lightspeed 19th June 2022 17:46

Fossil fuel firms ‘have humanity by the throat’, says UN head in blistering attack


He said: “We seem trapped in a world where fossil fuel producers and financiers have humanity by the throat. For decades, the fossil fuel industry has invested heavily in pseudoscience and public relations – with a false narrative to minimise their responsibility for climate change and undermine ambitious climate policies.

“They exploited precisely the same scandalous tactics as big tobacco decades before. Like tobacco interests, fossil fuel interests and their financial accomplices must not escape responsibility.”
Nice to dream in any case.

Ab 21st June 2022 19:51

These properties are toast

Nothing 21st June 2022 21:02

Is this the thread where I'm supposed to bump this?

MadMax 22nd June 2022 09:25


Lightspeed 23rd June 2022 21:31

Scientists fear mass bleaching of Fiordland sea sponges the largest of its kind

Lightspeed 11th August 2022 22:39

Satellite imagery shows Antarctic ice shelf crumbling faster than thought


Antarctica's coastal glaciers are shedding icebergs more rapidly than nature can replenish the crumbling ice, doubling previous estimates of losses from the world's largest ice sheet over the past 25 years, a satellite analysis showed on Wednesday.
Maybe it's time for NZ to make a more robust claim on the land that will eventually pop up? Partner up with Chile perhaps.

fixed_truth 29th August 2022 12:09

Extreme China heatwave could lead to global chaos and food shortages
I always thought things would turn to shit further down the track but it's looking more like it's gonna get really bad sooner.

Ab 29th August 2022 12:59

The scales of the Pakistan floods and the China drought are mind-fuckingly staggering. They're just not top-of-mind for us because for the first it's meh, poor brown people, and for the second the Communist Party of China is trying hard to restrict news coverage that makes China look bad.

Historically these things tend to happen in order in China: drought, famine, regime collapse. The last doesn't always happen, but it has happened enough times to have me paying attention.

Ajax 29th August 2022 14:52

Shit really seems to be escalating a lot faster than expected. Maybe we're discovering the answer to the Fermi Paradox.

Lightspeed 29th August 2022 15:57

I don't think any state force is stronger than the human impulse to migrate.

In Pakistan that's what's happening, whole communities have lost all their equity, there's no state involvement, so they're leaving. In China the state is highly involved, but how able and willing will they be to prevent people abandoning regions clearly no longer viable for habitation?

And that's now. What does it look like the next time El Nino swings around again?

But hey, it can't be that bad I'm getting YouTube ads to go into debt for international travel. That sounds like the kind of thing appropriate for times of abundance, which I guess this must be.

Ab 29th August 2022 16:53


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2022938)
I don't think any state force is stronger than the human impulse to migrate.... In China the state is highly involved, but how able and willing will they be to prevent people abandoning regions clearly no longer viable for habitation?

Dude, this is China, those people are just going to die

Lightspeed 29th August 2022 17:03

The equivalent circumstances would be the Holodomor. But in those times the furtherest people could travel was only as far as another starving community.

I guess China has the capacity to strangle off internal regions, but does it have the political capital? It couldn't hide it.

MadMax 30th August 2022 13:36


Originally Posted by Ab (Post 2022939)
Dude, this is China, those people are just going to die


Previous rulers have scoffed in the face of nuclear threat. Google for Mao Zedong war quote. They literally don’t care for the loss of lives.

The people themselves are hard cunts having suffered as such in the past.

Lightspeed 31st October 2022 12:43


Originally Posted by Lightspeed (Post 2022663)
Maybe it's time for NZ to make a more robust claim on the land that will eventually pop up? Partner up with Chile perhaps.

Jacinda Ardern lands in Antarctica for Scott Base visit

Lightspeed 20th February 2023 14:43

This is what we've got to prepare ourselves for:

Crazy footage.

Lightspeed 31st August 2023 01:57

This shit spooks me:

'Terrible' Bluff oyster season blamed on lack of feed in ocean

Lightspeed 15th September 2023 17:45

NZ’s vital kelp forests are in peril from ocean warming

Lightspeed 26th September 2023 11:50

200 glaciers vanish in Southern Alps as ocean temperatures rise


Franz Josef Glacier has dramatically shrunk 500m in the past five years due to the "shocking" rise in ocean temperatures, an glacial expert says.

And in the past 30 years, 200 glaciers in the Southern Alps have disappeared altogether, Victoria University glaciologist Brian Anderson of Ross said.

Lightspeed 4th October 2023 01:26

Researchers call for urgent emissions cuts as Antarctic sea ice 'drops off a cliff'


Marine and ice specialists from top research outfits gathered at an emergency summit in Wellington on Tuesday to discuss record low sea ice in Antarctica this year, which they described as "deeply alarming".

"We are missing between seven and 10 New Zealands' worth of sea ice", National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) marine physicist Dr Natalie Robinson said.

Not only were both the winter and summer areas of sea ice smaller than scientists have seen in all 44 years of satellite records, the recent lows were so far outside the normal range that it was difficult to even describe them using the normal statistical methods, she said.

wazza 4th October 2023 08:14

^^ dude at work came in this morning and said the same.
7-10 new zealands worth of sea ice, wow

Lightspeed 8th October 2023 23:07

This isn't climate change, but it's still spooks:

Buried 'reservoir' found off NZ coast where there's a 1 in 4 chance of megaquake


Scientists have found a massive body of water underneath the bed of the ocean in the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, where experts say there is a 26% chance of a mega 9 earthquake in the next 50 years.

The previously undiscovered ‘reservoir’, more than 3km below the ocean floor, is revealed in a recently published study as part of an international research project to gain more information about the Hikurangi Trench off Gisborne/Tairāwhiti, where the pressure of two colliding tectonic plates could trigger a large earthquake and subsequent tsunami at any time.

Lightspeed 3rd February 2024 13:24

Nearly 1000 fur seals found dead in Kaikōura in five months


"Essentially we are seeing the start of an eco-system collapse so that's really grim news, I always really struggle with how to raise awareness without driving hopelessness, there needs to be a call to action for some policy changes within New Zealand and also regional changes like increasing marine reserves, at least in the short term."

Lightspeed 11th February 2024 13:13

Warning of a forthcoming collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation


The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is a major tipping element in the climate system and a future collapse would have severe impacts on the climate in the North Atlantic region. In recent years weakening in circulation has been reported, but assessments by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), based on the Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) model simulations suggest that a full collapse is unlikely within the 21st century. Tipping to an undesired state in the climate is, however, a growing concern with increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. Predictions based on observations rely on detecting early-warning signals, primarily an increase in variance (loss of resilience) and increased autocorrelation (critical slowing down), which have recently been reported for the AMOC. Here we provide statistical significance and data-driven estimators for the time of tipping. We estimate a collapse of the AMOC to occur around mid-century under the current scenario of future emissions.

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