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Saladin 16th October 2003 11:28

New Robin Hobb
Fools Fate.

Outstanding, as usual :)

Unemazezamer 16th October 2003 11:32


Continues with FitzChivalry's story or jumps to another as in Mad Ship?

Saladin 16th October 2003 11:35

Yah, it's the conclusion to the Tawny Man Trilogy (Fool's Errand and The Golden Fool)

Unemazezamer 16th October 2003 11:40


I'm a bit behind the news with Fantasy books, as I've entered the daily grind. :(

Yeah, so is the conclusion as good as the first trilogy? I really liked the Jester.

Reet 16th October 2003 11:47

What what what? It's out? In NZ, or am I gunna have to order through Amazon again?

My favourite books ever.

Unemazezamer 16th October 2003 11:52

Join da club bro!

Do you guys like the Sword of Truth series as well? My all time favourite, even if the last few fell short of expectations.

Go the sword!!! :D

Kryten 16th October 2003 11:53

Please tell me where you've seen this. Must buy NOW.

Yoda 16th October 2003 11:58

I just preordered off amazon uk yesterday - expected to ship on the 20th.

If it's out here in nz somewhere, I'm gonna be pissed. :(

Reet 16th October 2003 12:02 haven't released it yet either...

Someone spill. :p

Saladin 16th October 2003 12:22

I got it from Whitcoulls, Lambton Quay, so it's fairly safe to assume it's available Nationwide..

Reet 16th October 2003 12:23

:D :D :D :D :D

Kryten 16th October 2003 12:50

Picked it up at Whitcoulls in Lower Hutt, 3 copies left.


borland 16th October 2003 12:54


I read the liveship series years ago, followed by fool's errand, but I couldn't find the rest.

Co-incidentally, I happen to be reading assassin's quest atm, so will be excellent to be able to pick all those new ones up when I'm done

Kryten 16th October 2003 12:58

I'm halfway through Wizard of the Pigeons, which she wrote under her real name. I think I'll park it and read Fools Fate. Bugger that you read them in the wrong order dude.

I have to admit that its quite cool (and a novelty) to be in the position of waiting for the next release in a series - normally I get into them well after publication.

Yoda 16th October 2003 13:03


Important Message from Amazon UK
You just cancelled order #202-5574766-xxxxxxx placed on 14 October 2003 at 20:59 BST.
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to Whitcoulls I go....

Saladin 16th October 2003 13:18


Originally posted by Unemazezamer
Do you guys like the Sword of Truth series as well? My all time favourite, even if the last few fell short of expectations.

I liked the first few as being better than your typical humble farm boy makes good series, but Faith of the Fallen and Naked Empire really really annoyed me - he's taken all the adventure out of fantasy and just resorted to preaching. To borrow a TV phrase, the series has definately "jumped the shark".

Unemazezamer 16th October 2003 13:21


Sad but true.

Yoda 16th October 2003 14:08

The new Fiest is out soon - can be preordered on at the moment. I was disappointed with his last book though, so I think I'll let someone else buy it and borrow it off them.

Glad I've got a Robin Hobb to read now. Gonna sit in the sun all weekend and read it - I know I won't be able to put it down. :)

Nemises 16th October 2003 14:52


Originally posted by Kryten

I have to admit that its quite cool (and a novelty) to be in the position of waiting for the next release in a series - normally I get into them well after publication.

I got the same shit goin' on for me, but with George R R Martins 4th book in his "a Song of Ice and Fire" series. (book will be called "a Feast for Crows" by the way)

It's like waiting for a really good movie sequal, I just cant fucken wait till that book comes out.

(Please tell me some of you guys have read that series?..I am a serious reader, and this series has REALLY made me sit up and beg for more..if your interested, the first book is called "a Game of Thrones", second one is "a clash of Kings" and the third is "a Storm of Swords").

I think I read Robin Hobb's assasi series seom years back, but it wasn't very stand out for me?..perhaps I should re-read, or erad the ones you guys are talking about above.

Kryten 16th October 2003 15:10


Originally posted by Nemises
I think I read Robin Hobb's assasi series seom years back, but it wasn't very stand out for me?..perhaps I should re-read, or erad the ones you guys are talking about above.
I got to the end of the Assassin series and breathed a sigh of relief at it being over to be honest - then I started on Liveship and got completely hooked, and read the next 5 (3 x Liveship, 2 x Tawny Man) in a very short space of time. Give them another go.

Adunaphel 16th October 2003 15:11

Goodkind is a shockingly bad writer, with what seems to be a warped and limited imagination.. (Evil Chicken monster? the chicken that wasnt a chicken? Or all the other somethings that wasnt really something at all Chimes? Races? cant he invent NEW words? argh)

His last book could have been compressed into 2 - 3 chapters, I guess the above post that said he was preaching, was correct.

What makes it worse is that what he preaches is just STOOPID!

An example there would be when he took an entire chapter to explain how Kahlan was using her power to take control of someone... just repeated the same thing over and over in slightly different ways.

I found myself holding my breath hoping it would stop.

Just like you are hoping Ill stop typing now


Unemazezamer 17th October 2003 12:29

Fuck yeah! Hardcore fantasy readers!

Originally posted by Nemises
[b]I got the same shit goin' on for me, but with George R R Martins 4th book in his "a Song of Ice and Fire" series. (book will be called "a Feast for Crows" by the way)

It's like waiting for a really good movie sequal, I just cant fucken wait till that book comes out.

(Please tell me some of you guys have read that series?..I am a serious reader, and this series has REALLY made me sit up and beg for more..if your interested, the first book is called "a Game of Thrones", second one is "a clash of Kings" and the third is "a Storm of Swords").[b]
I LOVED that series, but I got frustrated waiting for the third to come out and just kinda forgot about it. Fourth one coming out soon already?!!!
Fuck me, I'm gonna get them and re read them all. That book is truly epic bro.
For MORE EPIC action, the number one book ever written would be 'Curse of the Mistwraith' - it's SO good. I really liked how Janny Wurts wrote in both brother's perspectives even if later on in the series it ultimately became biased towards Arithon. Although I have given up on waiting for the next instalment, I'm still waiting for all the series to be finished THEN I'll gobble up the books. Anyone read the third book in teh second series? Did it conclude then or is there gonna be a third trilogy? BTW: That series is called "The wars of Light and Shadow".

Yoda 17th October 2003 13:02

Janny Wurtz recently released Hells Chasm, a stand alone. It was great.

Don't know what's happened with the mistwraith series - but I'd like to. :(

DaveDash 17th October 2003 13:11

The Farseer series is the second best series I've ever read. WOT takes my #1 spot (so far).

That's going up against Tolkien, Eddings, Gemmel, Smith, and many other authors that I can't remember now.

Havn't read her (Robin Hobb's) Whiteship series yet, must be next on my list

The Farseer series was so good, but so frustrating at the same time. The Hero behind the scenes who never got any appreciation, very very good.

I will have to read the new ones.

Kryten 17th October 2003 13:14

Read the Liveship series before the Tawny Man (the current) series.

trbonus 17th October 2003 13:43


Originally posted by Nemises
I got the same shit goin' on for me, but with George R R Martins 4th book in his "a Song of Ice and Fire" series. (book will be called "a Feast for Crows" by the way)

It's like waiting for a really good movie sequal, I just cant fucken wait till that book comes out.

(Please tell me some of you guys have read that series?..I am a serious reader, and this series has REALLY made me sit up and beg for more..if your interested, the first book is called "a Game of Thrones", second one is "a clash of Kings" and the third is "a Storm of Swords").

Yeah. The best fantasy series Ive ever read. Im still not sure if the 4th book is the last in the series or not tho.

Unemazezamer 17th October 2003 13:55

I thought Robin Hobb was a man?

Robin can be a bi-sexual name... Maybe I'm wrong, but I remember reading in an interview or something and they used the good old 'he'.
Care to correct me anyone?

Kryten 17th October 2003 14:01

Robin Hobb is aka Megan Lindholm.

Unemazezamer 17th October 2003 14:02


My bad.

/ducks head

Saladin 17th October 2003 14:39

Are the books under Megan Lindholm's name any good? Might have to seek them out..

Kryten 17th October 2003 14:44

Get them from the library, they're somewhat different to the Robin Hobb stories. I've only read Cloven Hooves and am halfway through Wizard of the Pigeons, however.

EvilLumpy 17th October 2003 14:53

Hobb's books were wickedly odd

I mean, the stories were depressing and drawn out, but I couldn't put it down!


I like it the way that the Liveship series is actually a part of the greater whole, really deep stuff...

I think I'll bump this one up my 'to read' list to just after what I'm on now, Jimmy The Hand.

Thank you Saladin!

Nemises 18th October 2003 17:22


Originally posted by trbonus
Yeah. The best fantasy series Ive ever read. Im still not sure if the 4th book is the last in the series or not tho.
It was planned to be 5 books (allthough at the beginning it was only going to a be a trilogy)..
The 4th book was going to take place 5 years after the end of the 3rd..., but he found he couldn't write that very well, so he's added a book to fill in that 5 year gap (which is "a fest for crows")..
So it looks like it'll be a 6 book series.

Yay :)

Oh, btw, you wont believe how good the 3rd book it...

Unemazezamer 21st October 2003 09:44


Me must get!!!!

Dystopia 21st October 2003 09:54

yer, sword of truth is going downhill, its a pity, i really like the characters, and the 1st few books were so good, i loved the evil chicken by the way, but now they all just break into spontaneous preaching which evolves repeating things he said half a page ago over and over.
Haven't read any Hobbs, but after the read the latest wheel of time i'll look into it

btw take a look through his book cover section, its a trip through some fond memories :D

Cinclant 7th January 2004 21:15


Originally posted by Kryten
Read the Liveship series before the Tawny Man (the current) series.
I have finished the Farseer trilogy and was wondering - should I read the Liveship series before the Tawny Man? Is it necessary or is reverse order gonna be fine? Because I wanted to read Tawny Man.

Need to know, wanna buy tomorrow :>

Yoda 7th January 2004 21:37

I'd say read the liveship series first. Otherwise the ending of the liveship trilogy will be given away.

Kryten 7th January 2004 21:50


Originally posted by Cinclant
I have finished the Farseer trilogy and was wondering - should I read the Liveship series before the Tawny Man? Is it necessary or is reverse order gonna be fine? Because I wanted to read Tawny Man.

Need to know, wanna buy tomorrow :>

I wasn't joking. Read the Liveship series first, you'll fuck it all up otherwise.

Cinclant 7th January 2004 21:50

Thanks : )

Reet 8th January 2004 07:59

The last Tawny Man is the first book that's ever made me actually cry. Not just sniffle a little, but actually sit there trying to read through the tears streaming down my face.

I think I'm just turning into a sook.

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