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MrTTTT 9th April 2001 18:46

No chasing?!!?!? No sniping?@?!!
i was recently sent an email saying in the TNA game that we are NOT allowed to chase and NOT allowed to go sniper. and that its not just this game but its the STANDARD now in nztf!
just what the hell kinda gay rules are these!??!?!
chasing is possibly the most valuable and usefull tool in a close game...
of course you newbiew arse clans will go shove 8 defence when they are about to cap in the last 5 mins.
but thats bs. that doesnt work. what does work is keeping the defence, and having the attack chase. its a tactic, a legit tactic
and no sniping?!?!?! well thats along the same lines. legit tactic. no way am i gonna stick to these rules... Sniper is possibly the most blatent and outright best defence tool in the game. it pisses off the enemy, slows their attack, makes them revert their course to other methods. i.e grenjump (thus damaging them) cussjump (thus slowing them).
not only that, but hte most important factor is the psychological factor.
how the hell can someone ban such an important part of the game. its insane!

MrTTTT 9th April 2001 18:48

besides how do you class chasing...
if you think im gonna walk to the enemy base without shooting a nail at the other attacker then your dreaming sunny jim.
that rules impossible to police anyways.
how gay.

Alpine 9th April 2001 19:23

No chasing is good
No snipers sucks, especially on well6 :/

[Lifter] 9th April 2001 19:44

Chasing's good, it forces better skill on defence imo..
But discluding a class because people don't like getting shot? Now that's just silly.

silva^ 9th April 2001 19:52

I hate kunts who seem to think they can make rules for clan games like no chasing, what pisses me off more is people who get fucked off when people to scout defense or scout chasing, theres nothing wrong with it, its in the confines of the games capability so why not do it if its a good tactic, if you cant hack shit like that in the game then fuck ya.

W0Lv3R1nE 9th April 2001 19:56

so if there is no snipers go another class
but lifter u do have a point
discluding a class just coz ppl don't like it is not fair
imagine no soldier in a game

I cAn sAW JoO!

Shoyu 9th April 2001 20:04

No chasing is good
No snipers is good, especially on well6

Alp: 1.5 years ago, it was impossible to cap against TE. -te-tones or whoever was the LPB sniper made the game a little unfair. No matter how you jumped up the tower, you're picked off Just giving an example.

"Good" LPB snipers are deadly. We want a good hard game of skills, not sniping.

MrTTTT 9th April 2001 20:04

i hate soldiers... can we ban them too? and scouts. they are annoying.
may as well add some more gay rules just so that we can have a friendly nonannoying game. we may as well play assfangling or bumscragging instead... its just as friendly

MrTTTT 9th April 2001 20:06

this guy called cann always killed me when i played him. he was a soldier. so we should ban soldiers.
and this guy called silva always used to concuss me as well. i could never not be concussed!! so we should ban scouts too...

how the hell can you police chasing. its part of the game. your flag is out. Sure, may as well chase so that def gets more time to get its shit together and defend the flag thats out... its how it is... (chasing at other times is lame, but im not saying ban it, many things about TF are lame but we just gotta accept it)

but believe me, i hate chasers... but so? i hate the lightning gun in quake3. i hate shoyu, im not saying ban it from the game altogether... sure we all hate chasers. but its part of the game. and i WILL chase people if i must do it to win a game
(and admitidly its annoying when people do it at 0-0 and there just deadlocking the game)
ill curse someone in a game for chasing. but thats how it is. doesnt mean ban it

[This message has been edited by MrTTTT (edited 09 April 2001).]

Alpine 9th April 2001 20:11

I know shoyu, I've played enough vs the aussies to know how effective snipers are (dow i think, vs pnp, when vlad pretty much won the game by himself as attack sniper :/). I still don't see the point of banning them though ? TNA has quality snipers with Archangel and yourself in there...

As for TE, do you think you would have capped even without snipers?

Alpine 9th April 2001 20:13

ps i agree with young thomas.
He speaks unknown truths.

Shoyu 9th April 2001 20:18

young thomas?

young thomas, the rules are in place after everyone realised how the game is better with them. I know it'll take you a long time to realise how they make the game more fun, but accept it

Alps, aussies weren't as hard when they had 200 ping on modem. But TE was legendary, so prolly not

Vanquish 9th April 2001 20:27

er excuse me chasing

if someone is coming torward me into the base i will shot the person on my way out

fuck this chasing rule

if you dont like it ban me from the servers for good


if i really feel like it i will folow them into the base and try damage them as much as poss

MrTTTT 9th April 2001 20:35

im on the same boat as vanquish
besides id love to see you police whats considered 'chasing' and what isnt...
cause theres NO WAY im gonna walk past the enemy attackers shake hands and move on. they can feel my rocketlaucnher up their rectum first.

Shoyu 9th April 2001 20:42

If you can't follow rules, don't play. I can't pinch someone from below in rugby now can I :P

[Lifter] 9th April 2001 21:41

I'm mostly a defender so all chasing does is make it harder to kill the attackers, making it more fun for moi! But I guess it'd be pretty stupid stopping and have a cup of tea with the enemy in the middle of a bridge..

As for the snipers, it is a matter of skill. If I got DSL tomorrow, sure, I'd be alot better at sniper than I was before, but as far as my aiming went, it'd still be the same, i'd still suck as sniper like I always have.

Banning a class is the biggest pussy thing to do.. "*bang!* !! :O HE SHOT ME, right! that's it, since I'm not good at this class and can't get him back, i'm going to ban this class!!" ..*clap*.. I suck at sniper, undenying truth, but so? Jumping out in the open not expecting at least SOME competition in trying to get to the enemy base is just, well... Odd.

cann 9th April 2001 21:41

I love sniping but i have to agree that sniping in clan game is very bad.

Especially when sniper is lpb and knows how to use the low ping advantage.

Common ppl, be reasonable.

[Lifter] 9th April 2001 21:41

omg cann, we posted at the same time :O

[Edit: forgot the other "n" on "cann" :>]

[This message has been edited by [Lifter] (edited 09 April 2001).]

cann 9th April 2001 21:50

I will explain what i mean:

All players are different. 2 good players will have a slight difference in skill but if they play sniper and one of them has a low ping and knows how to use this ping advantage - the skill difference between those 2 players will be quite large.

Now what im gonna tell you might find interesting:

A really good sniper who has low ping and knows how to use it gets to the point when he doesnt miss a single shot and has a shot rate a second, half of a second? Which makes for the enemy classes, nomatter how good they are or what they do absolutely no (zero) chance of passing the poor bridge.

If enemy introduces a sniper of their own it may make things even or may be not (read my first point). Either way its a waste of a player because snipers dont really do much for caps score. (unless its well6, but i just generalise here).

This waste of players on snipers gets us away from the point of playing tf - ie caps. plus it makes things very unfair for all other classes.

[This message has been edited by cann (edited 09 April 2001).]

[Lifter] 9th April 2001 22:08

But if a player can reach a level where he can have an almost flawless hit rate surely you can admire his/her skill for what it's worth?
Sniper has advantages and disadvantages, one less person attacking, one less person defending the flag area, with popular maps such as bam4 and 2fort5 there's numerous ways to get to the enemy base undetected by snipers.
It's just another class that's part of TF, why would you want to keep a part of TF out?

MrTTTT 9th April 2001 22:17

i find your explanation acceptable towards snipers. because yes, ive seen games turn into sniper wars.
But no chasing, cmon thats ridiculous
yes, yes some people will chase ridiculously and its relaly , really gay...
but the odd tactical chase is just what the doctor ordered.

silva^ 9th April 2001 22:31

heh yup banning chasing in this clan game seems like the most fucked up rule I have ever heard in my entire life, how can you say no chasing ? you know whats going to happen, someone will be leaving your base with the flag, so someone on your team chases them and kills them, no doubt a huge row is going to ensume, turning the game into a tyical nz clan game....

you cannot ban chasing for a clan game it is simply impossible, of course people are going to chase, if someone is leaving your base with your flag, what are you expecting people to line up at the entrance to your base and yell "farewell, have a safe journey back to your base, I'll see you in a little while when you return, hell i'll even bake some cookies and we'll have a good old chinwag'

get a clue, banning chasing, hah ! that makes me laugh so fucking hard.

cann 9th April 2001 22:32


"admire his/her skill for what it's worth?"
", one less person defending the flag area, "

such person will require not 1, but may be 2 or even 3 enemy snipers to balance it out. (still, it may be not clear if they can balance it at all).

MrTTTT 9th April 2001 22:38

in q3 there is a good approach taken to HPB blatent disadvantage
its called the 'tough shit' approach. in which if your hpb. have a cry, but thats your problem. and yep, everyone knows, its common knowledge, that hpb is huge disadvantage in q3. but thats just tough shit. go into a clan game with hpbs then youll get burnt for it ^_^

Russian 9th April 2001 22:58

and thats exactly why q3 is gay (when youre hpb )

[This message has been edited by Russian (edited 09 April 2001).]

[Lifter] 9th April 2001 22:58

Hmmm I spose, well I don't play sniper, and I don't mind getting hit at them.. feels good to take them out when you do! But I guess I could see where people are coming from with it turning into all out sniper wars.

sid 10th April 2001 01:58

im not much of a tf'er
but i really dont understand the chasing business
like i play ctf mainly, and if u meet an enemy, u shoot the fuck outa him and kill him
i cant c how, in a game of quake1, it culd possibly be against the rules to shoot the enemy
its completly beyond me in fact
but then again, im not much of a tf'er, just have a dab every now and then, or watch my brother rax play...
about the snipers, itd make the game alot more fun if they werent alowed, because on lpb sum plyrs, well quite a few plyrs actually, kill it quite quickly
my thoughts
gg btw

Just remember I will always love you, Even as I blow your fucking throat away. But it will end no other way.

tones 10th April 2001 03:32

leave the snipers be! ;p

as for no chasing, i totally agree.

you have to remeber the proper definition of chasing tho.

chasing is attacking somone form the other team then chasing them back towards your own base.

melee in the middle is ok, imo.. aslong as cunts dont start chasing.

caflame 10th April 2001 06:03

no sniping= no cheating = no winging about snipers cheating = better game ... nuff said

you want to chase then chase if you cant see the sense in this one im sure not going to explain it to you.

Russian 10th April 2001 08:47

hmm, whenver i play TFC and hear the "YOUR FLAG HAS BEEN TAKEN" i immdiately rush down the spiral,if i dont kill him there i give chase, sometimes even way past the bridge etc, although it doesnt always stop them capping, it does slow them down a bit.

diGriz 10th April 2001 10:30

Hey Tommy we agree on something.

Didn't you read the thread here after the hmf rpm game. Blam dared to shoot at someone on the bridge and was abused for ages.

now apparently you are supposed to keep to the left on the bridge and not interfere with the other attacker. Basically 2 games of attack vs def on the same map.
The atraction of tf is the tactical variation you get, but now you aren't allowed tactics. Personally I think one of the best defences against mass speedjumping soldiers is to cuss their arses off, but if you do that now you are just a big loser apparently.

You shoot anyone you see tommy and we can have a big abuse fest and won't it be cool

]- Volatile -[ 10th April 2001 13:01

tom u cock a month or so ago u were the one going on BLAH BLAH snipers dont mean shit BLAH BLAH they dont get used in clan games so it dont MEAN SHIT.

now listen to u hypocritical pubitly dwelling
small fry

MrTTTT 10th April 2001 13:10

off you go and find the quote where i said exactly that... Ive been sniper in many games, especially vs TMC and COM way back. (it was more to piss them off rather then to be usefull)
your dillusional volatile, i didnt make this thread for dumb fucks like you to go and turn it into a flamefest. piss off dumbarse..

[This message has been edited by MrTTTT (edited 10 April 2001).]

MrTTTT 10th April 2001 13:13

anyways. back to the topic. Chasing and snipers...

lets not let volatile resort this thread to a big gay flaming frenzy.

and wtf is small fry. hahah, what a champion insult.

guess this shows the maturity of some people. what would be funny is if volatile was in TNA. TNA seem pretty mature, yet volatile is here acting like a kiddyfiddler. champion.

[This message has been edited by MrTTTT (edited 10 April 2001).]

T1T4N 10th April 2001 13:21

I don't mind the odd cross fire on the bridge but chasing someone right back into their own base when attacking is truely a stupid thing to do. It just reminds me of g3er styles where the goal is to get as much frags as you can so you chase the 1st person you see....

I tend to try avoid chasers by blatently speed jumping around and if you chase a demoman you've got some problems

Losers always Whine about their best, Winners go home and fu*k the prom queen
John Mason (Sean Connery)
The Rock

caflame 10th April 2001 13:25

russian if you were playing def then what has just happened is not only did they cap your flag but the guy who was coming in while you were chasing the flag carrier waltzed past your def point and on down to take out the remaining defense and now has the flag again and is off to cap perhaps you should chase him too ?

alternately he and his 2 other mates attacking have decided to own your base and are now camping your respawn while the guy that you chased is back as scout chain capping the map cause you cant get out of your respawn.

Russian 10th April 2001 13:34

no coz u see, TFC ppl arent spawn camping dickheads

edit - also i had ppl covering the elevator, balcony and RR , dont see how a fly could have gotten in there...

[This message has been edited by Russian (edited 10 April 2001).]

Azmodan 10th April 2001 15:08

Look, snipers are part of Teamfortress, if you cant accept that then go play navy fortress, or sparticus fortress or something (smirk) if you cant kill a sniper or get past one, you dont deserve to, its your fault for being too shit. Taking snipers off the xtra server is a mistake brought on by whiners like digriz having a cry because he got picked off a couple of times :/
I am not impressed

]- Volatile -[ 10th April 2001 15:34

kiddie fidler nice alig quote gimp.

dont go bringing ur hobbies to the DB thomas.

when u have hair on ur chest and more than 2 pubes on ya nut sack perhaps ill listen to u

T1T4N 10th April 2001 15:44

se2 is a wicked server as it is set like it is. I'm quite enjoying nto being shot up by a sniper as I run around :P

and I'm sure alot of other ppl do aswell.

it does make the game better! if you want to snipe go do it with the g3 cheating snipers :P

see who cracks 1st :P

Losers always Whine about their best, Winners go home and fu*k the prom queen
John Mason (Sean Connery)
The Rock

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