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Pastor Thug 7th September 2008 09:50

Tony Veitch 'lashes out' at himself.

It's gotta suck to survive a genuine suicide attempt.

cEvin 7th September 2008 09:56

veitched as bro

xor 7th September 2008 10:01

He's been dragged through the mud worse than any murderer or gang raping cop ever has.

Gotta feel for him a bit

Dusty 7th September 2008 10:44

Gotta love the end of that article. How it lists Veitch's 'road to desperation'.
They just needed to only list one... 'The Media'

Oh - before anyone else thinks it up: Veitchnam.

Jonas Undrawing 7th September 2008 10:46

veitch and chong.

leadinjector 7th September 2008 11:30

yeah, somehow i just cant work up much sympathy for someone who kicked his girlfriend and broke her back.

Sgt Seb 7th September 2008 11:30

hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...

he should have that as his bumper sticker. in fact so should every guy.

Beccara 7th September 2008 11:34

Yep, dont really feel sorry for him. Glad they found him tho in time so he can suffer thru the court case

The Edge 7th September 2008 12:12

For some reason when I say his name these days, I'm pronouncing it as "Ve-ARTCH" :S

Mickey 7th September 2008 12:12

Its like he never faces consequences. Beat up your gf, pay her to avoid a court case. Court case happens anyway, suicide attempt to try and avoid it. Man up ffs.
Zero tolerance for his bullshit.

Sarge 7th September 2008 12:38

Jesus they tracked him pretty fast via GPS :X!

hsh 7th September 2008 12:48


Originally Posted by Mickey
Its like he never faces consequences. Beat up your gf, pay her to avoid a court case. Court case happens anyway, suicide attempt to try and avoid it. Man up ffs.
Zero tolerance for his bullshit.

It's the trial by media that is the bullshit in this case. Take the Campbell Live piece which showed film crews outside his house on the day of his arrest (next street to mine). Campbell mentioned the lawyers by name to impress the viewer into believing that big money is being spent by Veitch and further reinforced this by not only showing the lawyers cars but describing them as black Audi's. And yet I don't recall him saying that one of his lawyers (Doug Alderslade, a partner in Chapman Tripp) specialises in employment law and more than likely was there over employment issues at TVNZ. It was another over the top and sensationalist feeding frenzy.

Asriel 7th September 2008 13:11


"I hope ... the people who have put Tony in this position are happy."
Um, so Mr Veitch is happy?

Lightspeed 7th September 2008 13:54


Originally Posted by Beccara
Yep, dont really feel sorry for him. Glad they found him tho in time so he can suffer thru the court case

Guilty till proven innocent?

BloodDonor 7th September 2008 14:04

Suicide generally shows some serious issues at work, and like the adverts say, people with depression just want help and understanding, or something like that...

The Edge 7th September 2008 14:05


Originally Posted by BloodDonor
Suicide generally shows some serious issues at work, and like the adverts say, people with depression just want help and understanding, or something like that...

He isn't working currently, is he?

Ab 7th September 2008 14:07


Originally Posted by Mickey
Its like he never faces consequences. Beat up your gf, pay her to avoid a court case. Court case happens anyway, suicide attempt to try and avoid it. Man up ffs.
Zero tolerance for his bullshit.


lektronimo 7th September 2008 14:14


Originally Posted by leadinjector
yeah, somehow i just cant work up much sympathy for someone who kicked his girlfriend and broke her back.

^ Ditto.

flic 7th September 2008 15:43

He probably paid her the $150+k to stop her from telling everyone he's a P addict

CCS 7th September 2008 15:55


Originally Posted by leadinjector
yeah, somehow i just cant work up much sympathy for someone who kicked his girlfriend and broke her back.

So uhh... what, he deserves death, then?

Don't get me wrong - he deserves punishment for what he did because that was pretty scummy. But it seems like people want him to be punished 2 or 3 times over.

Golden Teapot 7th September 2008 16:17


Originally Posted by CCS
So uhh... what, he deserves death, then?

This would be an acceptable outcome. Especially, since he chose this option himself.

Had the ambulance driven a little more slowly and a little more carefully, then perhaps today we'd all be better off? He would have gotten his choice of punishment, and we would not have to set aside tax dollars to pay for his health care, then trial, then prison sentence (I presume).

If this scum is found guilty then the right punishment is the mincer. The problem is, we don't have a mincer.

Give the man a packet of razor-blades; he may need to shave.

CCS 7th September 2008 16:33

I don't think he deserves death. If he topped himself, I don't think I'd consider it a job well done. I think it'd be pretty sad that it'd come to a punishment that far exceeds the crime.

The guy bashed his missus. Since then he has paid her out $150,000; lost his career and reputation and probably a lot of friends; had 7 assault related charges laid and will probably be convicted on at least one of them if not more. So he's pretty well fucked, more so than your average wife beater. I think we can all relax and feel like he's had his just desserts. But now people want him dead too?
I understand where that sort of hyperbolic statement comes from. People want to show their unrelenting disgust by suggesting the harshest reprisal they can think of and then feel like they're a great and upstanding citizen. It's a pretty macho display, to say "CUT OFF HIS BALLS HAR HAR!" and I guess it makes people feel better about themselves.

I'm not sure that he's even a recidivist offender. At least, none of us knows that for sure - unless we consider it a pretty horrific crime to throw water at someone. He's not some serial wife beater.

The ideal outcome now is that Veitch goes to court and gets whatever is coming to him - probably he'll get a sentence of a few months, if that (I'm not saying I endorse that sentence, that's just what I think will happen if he's found guilty). After he's done the jail time, I'm happy for him to fade into obscurity with his wife and be never heard of again. Whatever emo 'feeling sorry for himself' mental problems he has that drove him to attempt suicide will be his to live with.

All this wishing of death upon him is just some pathetic macho posturing.

Haydos 7th September 2008 16:39

Had he ided, we would probably see a level of scrutiny on the level of acceptable intrusion and vilification the media are allowed to cause.

I'm not overly sympathetic towards Veitch, because if he is convicted of what he's allegedly done, he deserves everything that would come to him in general population of a prison but ask yourselves, how many of you have made stupid spur of the moment decisions?

Now, how many of you have had to live that out on the front page and top headline in the news for weeks and weeks and weeks, losing your job, losing a lot of your friends and being taunted by the public due to being easily recognised.

It's alright to say "He never faces consequences, he should man up" but look at the level of consequence for his act, vs say an average NZ male accused of assaulting his partner.

I'd say he's facing a fair bit more consequence than the "normal" person in this situation.

Haydos 7th September 2008 16:40


Originally Posted by CCS
I don't think he deserves death. If he topped himself, I don't think I'd consider it a job well done. I think it'd be pretty sad that it'd come to a punishment that far exceeds the crime.

The guy bashed his missus. Since then he has paid her out $150,000; lost his career and reputation and probably a lot of friends; had 7 assault related charges laid and will probably be convicted on at least one of them if not more. So he's pretty well fucked, more so than your average wife beater. I think we can all relax and feel like he's had his just desserts. But now people want him dead too?
I understand where that sort of hyperbolic statement comes from. People want to show their unrelenting disgust by suggesting the harshest reprisal they can think of and then feel like they're a great and upstanding citizen. It's a pretty macho display, to say "CUT OFF HIS BALLS HAR HAR!" and I guess it makes people feel better about themselves.

I'm not sure that he's even a recidivist offender. At least, none of us knows that for sure - unless we consider it a pretty horrific crime to throw water at someone. He's not some serial wife beater.

The ideal outcome now is that Veitch goes to court and gets whatever is coming to him - probably he'll get a sentence of a few months, if that (I'm not saying I endorse that sentence, that's just what I think will happen if he's found guilty). After he's done the jail time, I'm happy for him to fade into obscurity with his wife and be never heard of again. Whatever emo 'feeling sorry for himself' mental problems he has that drove him to attempt suicide will be his to live with.

All this wishing of death upon him is just some pathetic macho posturing.

I cannot believe it.. but I actually absolutely agree with this.

Azmodan 7th September 2008 16:45

^ Yup pretty much sums it up, everyone loves a good bandwagon

chiquelet 7th September 2008 19:56


Originally Posted by CCS
Don't get me wrong - he deserves punishment for what he did because that was pretty scummy. But it seems like people want him to be punished 2 or 3 times over.

Pretty much what I wanted to say. The lesson here is don't do something stupid if you're in the public eye, because you will (rightly or wrongly) get massacred for it.

But the fact that his dad is coming back to NZ "later in the week" implies that maybe Veitch isn't really in that bad of a state. Either that or he has a shit dad.

JP 7th September 2008 20:01


Originally Posted by CCS
I don't think he deserves death. If he topped himself, I don't think I'd consider it a job well done. I think it'd be pretty sad that it'd come to a punishment that far exceeds the crime.

People LOVE to judge. It's the sad truth.

Mickey 7th September 2008 20:04


Originally Posted by chiquelet
But the fact that his dad is coming back to NZ "later in the week" implies that maybe Veitch isn't really in that bad of a state. Either that or he has a shit dad.

Yeah, I thought that was odd about the Dad as well. Maybe I've just been blessed with an awesome dad.

Golden Teapot 7th September 2008 20:28


Originally Posted by CCS
The guy bashed his missus.

Well, it wasn't a bonk on the nose was it? More like, leaving her on the floor squirming in agony; possibly to die. At least, that's the story out there.

And, he wants to end it all, rather than face up to what he did? I fully sympathise for why he'd want to do this. It's a pitty that such basic choices are denied people in that type of situation.

As for cutting his balls off? Well it tends to work on other animals and I expect it would work on him too. The problem is, we don't do that sort of thing in this country. No, we'll slap his wrist with a wet bus ticket, and claim we expect he'll never do it again.

He deserves worse than the State will give him.

CCS, there were bible-bashers in our neighbourhood today. Have you done something silly like join up? I mean, you're being very "live and forgive"; and, this is not a healthy way to live.

DuFFeR 7th September 2008 20:35


Originally Posted by Haydos
I cannot believe it.. but I actually absolutely agree with this.

Me too, I just wonder if the bitch is giving him his money back. It's quite a fall from the top and joe bloggs smacking his woman around to cook him some eggs certainly doesn't have as much to lose as this guy. _b I feel sorry for him, everyone makes mistakes... unfortunately his has bigger repercussions

Haydos 7th September 2008 20:44

The purpose of the justice system is not to punish, but to prompt reform.

I think this is lost on most people.

zeekiorage 7th September 2008 20:47

I don't think the guy deserves to die but I also don't think this guy is an average wife beater or made a small mistake. If newspapers are to be believed he broke her back and left her lying in a pool of blood for some time. Not death but he should definitely get the maximum prison term for that level of violence.

By the way, is it just me or have CCS and Goldent Teapot have swapped their accounts?

Mickey 7th September 2008 21:27

I agree Duffer, everyone does make mistakes. But most people man up and face the consequences.

Yes his has been trial by media but he actually chose a life in the media. He wasn't complaining when the media paid for his wedding photos or his 'yay im off to china' story. Can't have it both ways.

If he even stands trial I doubt he will even serve time.

Dusty 7th September 2008 21:39

I just love it when Golden Teapot comes out of his End of the World Bunker just to stir the NZG pot.
I think Thailand might be a better place for GT...
Death penalty for stealing an apple or some shit....sounds good...

Dan 7th September 2008 22:05


Originally Posted by Haydos
The purpose of the justice system is not to punish, but to prompt reform.

I think this is lost on most people.

Really? suggests otherwise. E.g. from the summary "The declaration of just deserts[retribution and denunciation] as the primary rationale would confirm the existing practice of the courts to a large extent".

Anyone know for a fact what the stated rationales and goals of punishment are in NZ?

Beccara 7th September 2008 22:28


Originally Posted by Lightspeed
Guilty till proven innocent?

Guilty since he confessed to the public that he bashed the other half

Dusty 7th September 2008 23:48


Originally Posted by Beccara
Guilty since he confessed to the public that he bashed the other half

Technically he just said he did something he was not proud of and that he lashed out.

CCS 8th September 2008 00:24


Originally Posted by Golden Teapot
Well, it wasn't a bonk on the nose was it? More like, leaving her on the floor squirming in agony; possibly to die. At least, that's the story out there.
He deserves worse than the State will give him.

I think he's already been punished beyond what the State will give him. Several times over, in fact. What will it take to satisfy the public that justice has been done? I guess we all like a public flogging.

TBH, I'm sick of hearing about him. The sooner he has his day in court and gets what he deserves, the sooner I'll not have to hear about what scum he is (and he is) and I'll no longer have to hear about people demanding his head on a stake. Hopefully he'll do his prison time, get a few bashes, get sent to the end of the food line at breakfast, maybe even get sent to segregation with narks, crooked cops and child molesters. Then he and his wife can disappear to a ramshackle bush hut somewhere. I'm pretty much over the outrage now and I'd just like to see the whole sordid thing play out to it's conclusion. There are worse criminals in this country that should be taking up headline space. Not Tony 'The Worm' Veitch.

His former partner is no bloody angel either. After the assault, she could've sent him to prison there and then. But she didn't because she decided she'd rather have his money. So she sent out her lawyers to extort him and say "Give us loads of money. We both know you don't want to go to prison and don't want the public to find out." And he paid up. I don't have a problem with her getting his money, but once she banked that cheque it should've been the end of the story. Except that now it turns out that she isn't happy just to have put the dagger in him, she's twisting it as well. "Oh, on second thoughts I guess I would like him to go to jail. The money has run out and my back is feeling sore again." I bet she loves seeing him squirm on this big hook with the public piranhas going after him.
She had the choice - take his money or send him to jail and still get some compo. She wants to have her cake and eat it too.

I've had enough of hearing about Veitch and Dunne-Powell. They can both STFU and GTFO.


CCS, there were bible-bashers in our neighbourhood today. Have you done something silly like join up? I mean, you're being very "live and forgive"; and, this is not a healthy way to live.
Live and forgive? Hardly. I'm just saying that enough is enough. Veitch getting emo and cutting himself and people saying "Yeah the bastard deserves it" is all a bit much.

Besides, if I'd joined the bible-bashers, you'd know it for certain because I'd be giving Lightspeed a rimjob :D

CCS 8th September 2008 02:26


Originally Posted by Mickey
Yes his has been trial by media but he actually chose a life in the media. He wasn't complaining when the media paid for his wedding photos or his 'yay im off to china' story. Can't have it both ways.

Oh hey - since you put it that way, it seems perfectly fair that John Campbell camps out on his doorstep and commentates on the comings and goings on Veitch's lawyers.

I mean, why the fuck should he have any privacy whatsoever? He's ours to paw at and grab at and then toss away when we're no longer interested!

Redneck 8th September 2008 02:47

^^ wife beater

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