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compudyne 11th July 2003 17:25

New Inet Shop
I have opened a new shop online at
Just wanting to get my name out there a bit.
My aim is to give the most personal satisfaction to my customers,
cos i have bought from online shops before and i know it can be a hassle.
Checkout some of my prices on my website, or email me.
[email protected]

AND PLEASE, SPREAD THE WORD and i will do the same!

nostrom0 11th July 2003 17:39

I can't see it but do your prices include GST ?

compudyne 11th July 2003 17:40

yes they do, it states it on the main page.

nostrom0 11th July 2003 17:42

heh someone just pointed that out to me :)

delirious 11th July 2003 20:34

so if we spread the word of ur new shop, you will do the same? wtf do u mean by that? spread our names around? :P

junbeck 11th July 2003 22:26

Can you get hold of 9700's or 9800's non pro? How much to get it down to Chch. What brand is the 9700pro you have for sale?

Good to see another shop out there, always good for competition.

Hotstuff 11th July 2003 23:05



Any idea how many 'computer stores' you're competing with in NZ?

Hazmat 11th July 2003 23:06

I'm going to leave this thread here but as you can see I have removed the thread advertising RAM.
NZGames does not support commercial advertising in any form.
You agreed to this when you registered your handle.
Any future "Infringements" may result in a ban from posting altogether.

Golden Teapot 12th July 2003 00:55

Does "hassle free" mean you take Amex?

- Vexed - 12th July 2003 01:22

Am I the only one who finds this site horribly slow?

compudyne 12th July 2003 05:12

yeah i can get 9800's contact me via email as i wont be checking this as often as id like to, i dont have much time.
Sorry for the posting before, I didnt really read the rules, tho i have now.

Ashley 12th July 2003 11:41

Er, mate. You might want to convert those thumbnail images to gif format instead of jpeg on the front page, they are incredibly slow, and im on a fucking fast connection.

Otherwise nice site........not that great a selection of products........but thats to be expected seeing as you have just opened.

Actually, its not.

BLazeD 12th July 2003 11:51

Re: hehe

Originally posted by Hotstuff


Any idea how many 'computer stores' you're competing with in NZ?

No, he just decided to open one up without checking out the current market situation
What do you think? :rolleyes:

Way to make yourself look like an asshole with the smirk too _b

Phrack 12th July 2003 12:40


Originally posted by Ashley
Er, mate. You might want to convert those thumbnail images to gif format instead of jpeg on the front page, they are incredibly slow, and im on a fucking fast connection.

Slow? If you're on something faster than jetstart, I'm surprised you even noticed them loading. Took about 2-3 seconds for me on jetstart.

Hamburgla 12th July 2003 16:08


Originally posted by compudyne
yeah i can get 9800's contact me via email as i wont be checking this as often as id like to, i dont have much time.
Sorry for the posting before, I didnt really read the rules, tho i have now.

Can you get capital letters, proper spelling and grammar in too?

Bu||et 12th July 2003 16:35


Originally posted by Ashley
Er, mate. You might want to convert those thumbnail images to gif format instead of jpeg on the front page, they are incredibly slow, and im on a fucking fast connection.

I agree. One mistake - they are not thumbnails, they are full size 640x480 type sized imagines in 100x100 space...

Drgnfire 12th July 2003 16:42

Re: Re: hehe

Originally posted by BLazeD
No, he just decided to open one up without checking out the current market situation
What do you think? :rolleyes:


From what I've seen of the site in question so far there hasn't been a lot of thought put into anything. The NZ market is pretty much saturated with 'cheap' mail-order computer parts dealers and I would expect that we will see 20% (or more) of these disappear within the next 6 to 12 months.

The product selection is very small, some images are broken (and others just look plain awful), the host is very slow at times, and the grammer is shocking in places.

The fact of the matter is that if you are going to try and run a business (regardless of if it is mail order or a physical shop) professionalism is the key. Having links to pages that are blank is not a very good thing, if you don't have any products in a category then don't list the category (the same goes for listing manufacturers that you don't have any products from - eg. Acer).

People have to remember that the PC business is a cut throat market and you have to start it as you mean to go on.

I'm sorry if this seems to be harsh criticism but as a potential customer I would have to say that I have looked at your site once and won't bother again as it just hits me as very unprofessional.


Drgnfire 12th July 2003 16:47


Originally posted by Golden Teapot
Does "hassle free" mean you take Amex?
ROFL! They don't even appear to take Credit Cards at all!

Adunaphel 12th July 2003 18:03


Originally posted by Drgnfire
ROFL! They don't even appear to take Credit Cards at all!
Thats unusual how? :)

Hazmat 12th July 2003 18:08


Originally posted by Phrack
Slow? If you're on something faster than jetstart, I'm surprised you even noticed them loading. Took about 2-3 seconds for me on jetstart.
Some of those "small gifs" are over 100k.

MadMax 13th July 2003 02:15

59 products? (22 processors, 19 ram, 10 hard drives, 5 video cards, 2 motherboards, one monitor, nothing else)

Ashley 13th July 2003 11:18


Originally posted by Phrack
Slow? If you're on something faster than jetstart, I'm surprised you even noticed them loading. Took about 2-3 seconds for me on jetstart.
10MB Radiolink...............

The outlay of the site is pretty good, but the overall construction is rather shocking for a "online company"

compudyne 13th July 2003 16:33

well for one, my shop is not 100% based on the net. my business consists of doing IT and network support in the area of which i live in.
My aim is to be as personal as possible with customers. and as for grammar on my site, can you understand everything? i know i can.
and the reason the small images are 100k is because they are large images which the site automatically scales down to that size, and when you click on them it shows you a large picture.
as for the ones which look "plain awful" can you point these out to me.
If you are going to give negative feedback, at least tell me where it is bad specifially so i can change it, not just a generalisation of what you think.
So far in my two weeks of operation i have sold over 30K from my site, so it cant be TOO bad, maybe you just need to lower your standards a little bit, sorry if this seems harsh and defensive, but you are the first to complain...

Phrack 13th July 2003 16:35

Maybe if you scale those big pics down to 100x100px, and just have them linking to a bigger picture. Might give faster load times, I'm not too sure.

compudyne 13th July 2003 16:36

yer, im doing it as we speak...thanks for your help tho :)

Drgnfire 13th July 2003 19:49


Originally posted by compudyne
as for the ones which look "plain awful" can you point these out to me.

The scaled down pics on the blue background look bad as they have a white 'blur' around them about 1 px thick, and they also look blury, perhaps if you resize them they won't look so bad.

The point about language isn't anything to do with being able to understand it - it is about presenting yourself as professional to the 'audience' on the Internet.


And you better watch out being as 'personal' with your customers as possible - it might be lagal now but there are still local councils who don't like it :D


Logik 13th July 2003 20:08

your page is down.

[oOalienOo] 13th July 2003 21:13


Originally posted by Ashley
10MB Radiolink...............

The outlay of the site is pretty good, but the overall construction is rather shocking for a "online company"

hahah outlay

Mish 14th July 2003 06:39


Originally posted by Logik
your page is down.
It's back up again now, but that's the nature of a website hosted on a cable connection.

His website is hosted on a cable connection with 128k upstream, meaning that if two people access it at once you'll be getting modem speeds, any more than two and it'll be crawling.

Several other sites are also hosted on the same 128k connection, some random examples are:

The email for is handled by (depending on the mood of your name server at the time) either:

The problem with that being that doesn't currently exist (at 5:11AM).

I don't have a problem with 'yet another' online parts store, but trying to promote a computer parts service to fairly 'IT Savvy' NZGamers when the site in question runs over a cable modem with about 14k/sec upstream and has broken MX records is a bad idea, I won't even mention the poor product range or bad website design.

I'll stick to buying parts from a retailer with a website hosted on something other than a cable modem that actually has more than 59 products available.

I just checked out: which is hosted on the same slow cable connection, it lists their prices for hosting on their 128k upstream cable connection, my god, check this out:


BAF NZ Starter
Cost: $5 - Traffic: 10MB - Diskspace: 3MB

BAF NZ Professional
Cost: $10 - Traffic: 25MB - Diskspace: 10MB

BAF NZ Power
Cost: $15 - Traffic: 50MB - Diskspace: 25MB

BAF Starter
Cost: $30 - Traffic: 128MB - Diskspace: 55MB

BAF Professional
Cost: $55 - Traffic: 256MB - Diskspace: 110MB

BAF Power
Cost: $105 - Traffic: 512MB - Diskspace: 220MB
That's insane.

As I said, I'm steering well clear of compudyne, their whole setup disturbs me greatly.

Hey cool, whoever the admin of the webserver is has decided that all the websites statistics should be publicly accessible, click HERE to see the stats for, it seems that as well as being a slow connection it's a slow database server, so you may be have to wait while it loads completely.

Mish 14th July 2003 07:43


Originally posted by compudyne
So far in my two weeks of operation i have sold over 30K from my site, so it cant be TOO bad
Looking the stats page I linked to in my post above, it says that your website has only seen 231 'GET' requests.

A 'GET' request happens every time someone signs up for a new account, adds a product to their shopping basket, logs in, or finalises their order with you.

Now that means that each person has to initially register, login, then add a product to their shopping basket then finalise their order.

Assuming you tested the website at least 10 times (a fair assumption in my reckoning) and assuming (generously) that every single person who registered purchased at least one product, that means that 47 people will have purchased stock from your website in its entire existence (not just the last two weeks).

This means that for you to have sold $30,000 worth of stock in the last two weeks every person that signed up would have had to purchase $638 worth of products.

Considering the limited range you carry and that most of the products on your site are around $200 this doesn't seem to add up.

Was the "30K" of sales you mentioned a typo?

MadMax 14th July 2003 08:06


Originally posted by Mish-nz
Considering the limited range you carry and that most of the products on your site are around $200 this doesn't seem to add up.
i think this fact is proof enough :p - you couldn't build a pc from stuff there. Presumably he's also including puchases from email enquiries.

Mish 14th July 2003 10:26


Originally posted by MadMax
i think this fact is proof enough :p - you couldn't build a pc from stuff there. Presumably he's also including puchases from email enquiries.
From what he said:


So far in my two weeks of operation i have sold over 30K from my site, so it cant be TOO bad
It didn't sound like it.

But yeah, either way I'm mainly wondering why anyone would host their 'business' on a 128k connection shared by other websites, it boggles the mind.

Phantom 14th July 2003 10:56

ph34r teh wr4th of an angry mish :o :D

[KzN]Tangy 14th July 2003 12:40

the nzgames whiplash at it again..nice..maturity of some of you guys never ceases to stop entertaining me

Torka 14th July 2003 12:52


Originally posted by [KzN]Tangy
the nzgames whiplash at it again..nice..maturity of some of you guys never ceases to stop entertaining me
Heh, is that your impartial opinion? :)

Like it or not, there've been some good points raised in this thread, especially by Mish, about the general shoddiness of the site and seeming dishonesty of the owner. He didn't even mention this laughable page here.


Use of this site is for the purpose of getting quotes, finding prices, and purchasing goods. Anyone trying to use this site for information which can lead to any sort of loss to Compudyne Computers, can and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Oops...guess I'd better be calling my lawyer.

Big ups for trying to play the "maturity" card though...always a winner.

[KzN]Tangy 14th July 2003 12:59


damn that was a nice reply :P

As he said feedback is good and always will be..immature comments by people bored as per the usual nzgames forum and posting laughable bitchy just entertainment

circa 14th July 2003 13:03

great site :)! nice prices too, i'll check it again when i got upgrade in a few months :D

Cozmo 14th July 2003 13:05

just an idea 4 the site

get a web designer :). all those little flaws end up in one mass downer.

also get ur name on alot of gamers go there from what i know, (which may not be much) so jump on and get out there.

Mish 14th July 2003 13:26


Originally posted by [KzN]Tangy
As he said feedback is good and always will be..immature comments by people bored as per the usual nzgames forum and posting laughable bitchy just entertainment
As far your entertainment comment goes, I couldn't agree more.

BUT, as for “laughable bitchy comments" I'll have to disagree.

If you're going to post to a forum about your new online computer parts store and ask people to "spread the word" when you're entering into a already saturated marketplace with competitors that are VERY well established and already satisfy on price, customer service and site accessibility, then go on to offer what seems to be a site that's sparsely populated with stock and is hellishly slow to boot then it's naive to expect people to want to lend their names to promoting your site.

Kudos to him for trying to start his own business, but if wants people to mention his site as an alternative source for PC parts then he'll have to actually get some stock listed there and pay the $20 a month to get some real hosting, which if he's sold $30,000 worth of parts in the first two weeks shouldn't really be a problem.

If he does that then cool, I'll have no problems mentioning his site, until then it's an insult to ask people to promote a business lacking in so many regards.

Different people have different ideas on required levels of quality, I happen to be one of the people who found his store below the ‘acceptable’ bar and as such I’ve made my thoughts known so he can consider correcting it.

Hey, maybe I’m not in his ‘target market’ and that’s cool, but referring to peoples opinions as “laughable bitchy comments" when you’re dealing with the wide cross-section of Internet society that NZGames encompasses is a little short-sighted.

[KzN]Tangy 14th July 2003 13:59


Originally posted by Drgnfire
ROFL! They don't even appear to take Credit Cards at all!
um is that not bitchy?

Anyway i get where your coming from and as already said he is taking on board what you & every1 else has said..

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