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Sp0nge 11th January 2009 16:40


Originally Posted by Mickey
especially if he is innocent.

he pretty much admitted he did it
under stress
and that we should all feel sorry for him and think it was ok

he's still playing the same tune

Hurtuso 11th January 2009 17:48

must be time for him to join the legal profession soon

BathTub 11th January 2009 23:33

We haven't paid his way through law school yet.

fidgit 12th January 2009 01:50

I think it's all part of his long-term plan. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for the guy that broke his partners back, given the obvious (staged?) state of distress he is in (as divined from his apparent 2 suicide attempts).

That said I'm sure I'll manage to still hate the bastard come time for the Trial By Media, Court Room Edition.

Genesis 12th January 2009 02:09


Originally Posted by Golden Teapot
<insert lawls here>

Damn, your kids are going to be mega fucked up.

cyc 12th January 2009 09:41


Originally Posted by Beccara
Thats my take on it but IANAL and Cyc is, i'm curious as to the legal ramifications of his public statments on the issue

Hmm never spotted this previously. Anyway I suspect it will have some ramitifcations during the trial. For example, if he tries to run a "I didn't actually hit her" defence, then the prosecution might try and bring in his media statements as what we lawyers call Prior Inconsistent Statement to undermine his defence. I don't know the full details of his case (obviously) but some of his behaviour will not be helpful to him at all.

The Edge 15th February 2009 11:03

He's baaaaaaack

xor 16th February 2009 14:21

I can just imagine him saying "Sivivitu running, Steps Kahui and Donald! ooooh but he is Veitched by Luaki! Solid Defence there by the chiefs"

CCS 16th February 2009 14:42

"Tony, what do you make of that stoush just before half time?"
"Deaks that was a real Veitching by all accounts but, y'know... I just don't think it deserved a red card. A bit of an apology and some contriteness at the press conference after the match and they could've called a day on it. The ref had no business going to the houses of the players, NO BLOODY BUSINESS WHATSOEVER, MURRAY! NO BLOODY BUSINESS AT ALL! FUCK, DEAKS!! FUCK!!"
"Ooh, sounds like you need a Bio-Mag, Tony"

Rince 16th February 2009 14:56

^^ funny, until it happens.... then "CCS is Nostrumdamus!!!"

or something....

StN 16th April 2009 11:17

Guilt makes you try and top yourself.

That must be the full story he wanted to come out in a trial...

CCS 16th April 2009 12:04

Yeah, pretty fucking weak, that. I thought he was going to clear his name but NOPE. Fucking wife beater. *spits*

StN 16th April 2009 12:17

I wonder if TradeMe will now allow classification of mens singlets to be referred to as Veitch's?

Rocket 16th April 2009 12:24

got a news link, is the case over?

Trigger 16th April 2009 12:27

caffiend 16th April 2009 12:30


Originally Posted by StN
I wonder if TradeMe will now allow classification of mens singlets to be referred to as Veitch's?

Don't forget ordering a bottle of Stella by saying "A Veitch please mate".

Danjah 16th April 2009 12:37

that bitch can kindly get fucked, paid over 160K in damages by veitch and she still wanted to take it further. imo if you're taking money to shut up about a criminal matter than you're just as bad as the crim themselves.

leadinjector 16th April 2009 12:42

does veitch get his money back then? i mean if i gave someone money to stay zipped about something and they blabbed...

StN 16th April 2009 12:44

Article implies the money was for medial and pain and suffering expenses.

Hurtuso 16th April 2009 12:58

Pakeha Justice System

StN 16th April 2009 13:31

^^ Duh - it's called fighting to clear your name...

Hurtuso 16th April 2009 13:59

oh i c, i shouldn't stick the boot in. That would be wrong :p

StN 16th April 2009 14:07

I think someone booted the fight out of him. ;)

Ab 16th April 2009 14:35


Originally Posted by caffiend
Don't forget ordering a bottle of Stella by saying "A Veitch please mate".

*golf clap*

But shouldn't that be "a Dunne-Powell please mate"?

CCS 16th April 2009 14:38

I dont get it :( :confused:

caffiend 16th April 2009 14:41

"No? You mean I can't get a bottle of... a bottle of.... STELLAAAAAAAAAA"


See the reference to A Streetcar Named Desire in one of the answers.

Redneck 16th April 2009 14:43


Originally Posted by Danjah
that bitch can kindly get fucked, paid over 160K in damages by veitch and she still wanted to take it further. imo if you're taking money to shut up about a criminal matter than you're just as bad as the crim themselves.

Congratulations! You've got no idea how the NZ justice system works! _b

Hurtuso 16th April 2009 14:45

the whole thing stinks, trying to talk about this to my mates dopey nephew and his mates who lol at anything controversial is impossible. They see: 'So yeah, he kicked his girlfriend in breaking her back payed her lots of money but she didn't shut her mouth about it and he lost a job. He felt bad. He got rewarded a new one with sky digital cos people felt for him, wins tvguide award, went to court pays some more money and will have to paint a fence or something. So do you get the moral here children!?!'
'Get into sport, save money, pulverize your bitch, say you feel bad = enjoy NZ'

SpaceCowboy 16th April 2009 14:47


CCS 16th April 2009 14:53


Originally Posted by caffiend
See the reference to A Streetcar Named Desire in one of the answers.

Ahh! I'd wondered if it was some reference to that movie but I've never seen it (it's on the list, honest) so I didn't get it.

I am surprised though that people consider it a strong beer at 5.2%. Fucken pussies. Down a pint and sort out the woman ya mongrel!

sausage 16th April 2009 15:59

Just one the wife beating note

I read a quote in the news paper today by Wayne Anthony Ross. He is Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's choice for attorney General.

He is quoted from a public meeting in 1991 that domestic violence "Wouldn't be an issue if women learn to keep their mouth shut"

maybe Veitch should move to Anchorage

Pastor Thug 16th April 2009 20:21

Just watching Vietch on Campbell Live and Close-Up... fuck he's a disingenuous slimy little creep.
My bullshit radar was pinging hard like a fucking strobe light.
He gives so many mixed messages and seems to be manipulating both interviewers and the audience to feel sorry for the poor little bitch because he did 5 hours in a cell and felt suicidal etc. Boo-fucking-hoo.

So he boots her in the back; hard enough to break bones... then asks "does that make me violent?" LolZ.

pig 16th April 2009 22:43

Yeah listening to what he said to John Campbell & outside court the little fucker spends more time saying how he was driven to this act & how much of a toll both he & his mrs & family have paid than anything else.
Dumb cnut could have ended this 10 months ago by pleading guilty, there is no way in hell he wanted a depositions hearing.
He got off bloody lightly as far as im concerned.

doppelgänger of someone 16th April 2009 23:41

It's official

Beauty and the Beast

Macca@Work 17th April 2009 10:02

Yeah I mean if it was Ratu the rasta or Sid the skinhead who did the same act but didnt have the media circus to perform to you can bet they would get jail time.

Macca@Work 17th April 2009 10:03

Caffiends post had me pissing myself. much lol.

Furry Crew 17th April 2009 10:16

I still say it's the bitches fault

/em puts on flamesuit

Pepsi 17th April 2009 10:18

I have to say after watching him in the John Campbell interview, I went from feeling just a little sorry for him, to thinking he should have kept his mouth shut after the statement he read outside the court. He just came off as arrogant and insincere when he spoke about it all. I know he was just telling his side of the story since the ex was on the show too, but sheesh!

ZoSo 17th April 2009 10:47

Yeah those interviews didn't do any favours. Him and his crew are POS imo. Especially now after the Susan Devoy comments.

Hory 17th April 2009 10:49

Yea, his line of attack with Campbell was to ask "Tell me what else I could have done" over and over again.
He could have
b) Cut vertically rather than horizontally or
c) Kept the windows in his car rolled up

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