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mpx 21st October 2003 16:19

I change my vote to oOalienOo
If I could I'd have him AND mog naked together.

Trigger 21st October 2003 16:25


Originally posted by Cinclant
Good greek gods how could I forget Ajax.
Yeah Ajax is hothotmuffins. I wish I had a better pic of him than an old blurry dark Auckmageddon photo.
Need something that captures his gorgeous smile!

Cinclant 21st October 2003 16:29


Jin 21st October 2003 16:37

yer.. im a blonde now though, that red x in the box is dyed.

circa 21st October 2003 16:54

logik :D!

Ribfeast 21st October 2003 17:01

Pick me pick me! :D

Evoke 21st October 2003 17:27


Originally posted by Ribfeast

Pick me pick me! :D

omg Boreanasosos!

I vote LordHell and cEvin. And Akane.

Nemises 21st October 2003 17:29

OMG, Hurricane should do a Calendar..

Ajax as Mr April
Inc as Mrs November (coz fuck you , you monkey molesterer )
Rince as Mrs December
Ab as Mr October(fest)
LV as Mr January

...dayam, move over fire Department..

scr 21st October 2003 17:43

wibble, because hes utterly GORGOUS.

chiQ 21st October 2003 17:46


Originally posted by Nemises
OMG, Hurricane should do a Calendar..

Ajax as Mr April
Inc as Mrs November (coz fuck you , you monkey molesterer )
Rince as Mrs December
Ab as Mr October(fest)
LV as Mr January

...dayam, move over fire Department..

Hahaha! Brilliant _b

Ribfeast 21st October 2003 17:48

Boreanasosos? What is that lol

Robo-K1ll 21st October 2003 17:59

Quake3, Freeze

Quake3, OSP, rpgs

skuxxx ;D

Bond 21st October 2003 18:01


Originally posted by DaveDash
I vote for this guy, *cough* that I know. *cough*

Handle: *cough* err yeah can't remember...
Geek: Played WAY too much Q2 and Q3 in his day, and at a Whorelan in CHCH stayed awake for 3 days straight playing Q2.

The quality sucks because they are PXT's

How come George Bush's cock is not in your mouth?

SMUT 21st October 2003 18:06

oh my fucken GOD
this is the lamest thread ever... dudes posting pics of themselves then voting for themselves.... im off to the pub to see some chicks, this is depressing

Jin 21st October 2003 18:15

hey mpx posted my pic :<

chiQ 21st October 2003 19:04

Caliban nominates, and I second:

Despite not being a kiwi Paul Steed does own a Canterbury jersey in a stylish shade of black with a silver fern adorning the chest, thanks to Simon, his bestest drinking buddy. Mr Steed is also planning to visit Wellington soon. He also got mistaken for a Maori boy when he was in Sydney staying with Simon four years ago...well, until he opened his mouth and the Texan oozed out. I thereby claim him as an honourary kiwi.

His claim to geekdom is that he helped make Quakes 2 and 3, and a few others, such as Strike Commander, Privateer, BioForge, Wings of Glory, Wing Commander Academy, Wing Commander III, and Wing Commander IV.

Oh, and Simon should really get a nod too - you can't have Paul and not include Si. On top of the above picture, you all know Simon best like so:

He's a geek because...well you know why.

[reyPh] 21st October 2003 19:09

yes 2pak is very skux alex!

skux skux, fuck i hate that word :s

Cookie 21st October 2003 19:16

The guy in the middle...

Originally posted by chiQ
I'll third that...

Wake 21st October 2003 19:20


Originally posted by MadLep
Pretty much anyone in this bunch:

Munter Convention, INC

Wake 21st October 2003 19:24

Re: The guy in the middle...

Originally posted by Cookie
I'll third that...
All the hot guys are gay :(

Bu||et 21st October 2003 19:30

I vote for ICEFOXOR!!!!!!

Cookie 21st October 2003 19:31

I also vote UncleGus and his cock. :D

player 21st October 2003 20:27

everyone knows that the quakeworld fortress males are the hawt lookers.

a very old pic 3 years ago =/

.. im as geek as they come
im still playing quakeworld team fortress, Enemy teritory and hmmm, waste hours just idling on irc -.-

Ret- 21st October 2003 20:31


Originally posted by mpx
I vote jin
I'd post a pic but I can't find it, and it's super fuzzy because he's too poor to buy a better webcam.



Originally posted by Bu||et
I vote for ICEFOXOR!!!!!!

HAHA!! ^^ gs icefox =P

mpx 21st October 2003 20:39

Jin was probably looking quite up there untill everyone found out he has friends who TYPE LIKE FUCKING IDIOTS

player 21st October 2003 20:48

seriously at a bar Brass , Jin and I were playing pool this chick kept hitting on him =/. Brass and I were invisbile in his presence.

IceFox0r 21st October 2003 20:57


Originally posted by player
seriously at a bar Brass , Jin and I were playing pool this chick kept hitting on him =/. Brass and I were invisbile in his presence.

Dude if I came the ladies would have been all OMG OMG ICEFOX SEX ME NOW =P

MadLep 21st October 2003 21:20


Originally posted by Wake
Munter Convention, INC
oh man, the o-bot mafia is SO after you now.

jeff_sichoe 21st October 2003 21:26


i am the greatest

Jin 21st October 2003 21:42

speaking of greatness.

*** jin`mx holds back the ladies.

AcidFang 21st October 2003 21:47

yeah Jin, you know im sexy

chiquelet 21st October 2003 21:52

The obvious choice

Well he's my fiancé, but I thought he was damn edible sexy before that, and I think he's damn edible sexy now ;)

As for being a geek, well I can quite confidently say that AcidFang and AcidFang alone keeps Quay computers in business. The money I see him waste...I mean spend....on computer equipment pains me.

He games everything under the sun. From console (FF and the like) to CS, Quake, Diablo, and other games.

Jin 21st October 2003 21:54

by day he is acidfang, by night, with a quick transformation! he becomes BEANIE MAN, TONGAN AVENGER!

well.. so ive heard :/

Perfk 21st October 2003 21:55


Originally posted by Trigger
Wow, who would have seen that coming?
Girls vote for their bfs, guys vote for themselves.
thread over

You know man, I think you're right.
Who would have thought a bunch of geeks would have quite so much ego between them?

chiquelet 21st October 2003 21:56


Originally posted by Jin
speaking of greatness.

*** jin`mx holds back the ladies.

Down tiger!

At first I thought you weren't bad for a white boy, but now methinks you bat for the other team. Away from my Tongan!

Jin 21st October 2003 21:58

yes i have a bit on the side relationship with your hubby to be.

Caliban 21st October 2003 22:00


Originally posted by chiQ
Paul Steed


Rince 21st October 2003 22:01


Originally posted by Nemises
OMG, Hurricane should do a Calendar..

Ajax as Mr April
Inc as Mrs November (coz fuck you , you monkey molesterer )
Rince as Mrs December
Ab as Mr October(fest)
LV as Mr January

...dayam, move over fire Department..


circa 21st October 2003 22:03

gg no re

xor 21st October 2003 22:09

wtf, are there any women on whatever island you people come from?

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