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CCS 8th September 2008 03:10

cross dresser

Redneck 8th September 2008 03:17

You have sympathy for Veitch, admit it :)

QWERTY? 8th September 2008 06:54

I would like to know the full story before commenting tbh about what led to the circumstances of him "lashing out"

Also there seems to be three stories about how she broke her back

A) he kicked her while she was down
B) he threw her down the stairs
C) all of the above...

for all we know they could have been having an argument and he pushed her (as a lot of arguing people do) she fell down the stairs, badda boom

we probably wont ever know the truth because she probably doesn't remember (as with a lot of major trauma) and he will want to cover his ass (provided he did actually do any of the above)

but he wont ever get a fair trial in nz because most people will have made up there minds before he even gets to court (re: trial by media).

Also like to give a thumbs up to the justice system, i mean shit the kahui twins killer(s) are still free and afaik none of them have been punished for letting the kids die.

SpaceCowboy 8th September 2008 09:17


Originally Posted by CCS
I don't think he deserves death. If he topped himself, I don't think I'd consider it a job well done. I think it'd be pretty sad that it'd come to a punishment that far exceeds the crime.

The guy bashed his missus. Since then he has paid her out $150,000; lost his career and reputation and probably a lot of friends; had 7 assault related charges laid and will probably be convicted on at least one of them if not more. So he's pretty well fucked, more so than your average wife beater. I think we can all relax and feel like he's had his just desserts. But now people want him dead too?
I understand where that sort of hyperbolic statement comes from. People want to show their unrelenting disgust by suggesting the harshest reprisal they can think of and then feel like they're a great and upstanding citizen. It's a pretty macho display, to say "CUT OFF HIS BALLS HAR HAR!" and I guess it makes people feel better about themselves.

I'm not sure that he's even a recidivist offender. At least, none of us knows that for sure - unless we consider it a pretty horrific crime to throw water at someone. He's not some serial wife beater.

The ideal outcome now is that Veitch goes to court and gets whatever is coming to him - probably he'll get a sentence of a few months, if that (I'm not saying I endorse that sentence, that's just what I think will happen if he's found guilty). After he's done the jail time, I'm happy for him to fade into obscurity with his wife and be never heard of again. Whatever emo 'feeling sorry for himself' mental problems he has that drove him to attempt suicide will be his to live with.

All this wishing of death upon him is just some pathetic macho posturing.

i also agree with ccs at this time :P

lets see.. his family wishes hed be left alone. theyve obviously all talked it out and come to their own resolution on the matter. hell, even his girlfriend says shes cool with him now. but joe public has turned into a lynch mob to make themselves feel better about society. heres a hint - its not society that needs to change.

cyc 8th September 2008 09:36


Originally Posted by Dan
Really? suggests otherwise. E.g. from the summary "The declaration of just deserts[retribution and denunciation] as the primary rationale would confirm the existing practice of the courts to a large extent".

Anyone know for a fact what the stated rationales and goals of punishment are in NZ?

See sections 7 and 8 of the Sentencing Act.

Beccara 8th September 2008 10:11

Cyc, serious question that i'd like to know your view on. Do you believe what he has said in his various statements to the public on the matter are admissions of guilt?

Pastor Thug 8th September 2008 10:28


Originally Posted by Beccara
Cyc, serious question that i'd like to know your view on. Do you believe what he has said in his various statements to the public on the matter are admissions of guilt?

Not that I really give a fuck, but saying you 'lashed out' combined with the fact that he paid her shitloads of money is not really a good look.

Dan 8th September 2008 10:28


Originally Posted by cyc
See sections 7 and 8 of the Sentencing Act.

Cheers bro. So:

(1) The purposes for which a court may sentence or otherwise deal with an
offender are---

(a) to hold the offender accountable for harm done to the victim and the
community by the offending; or

(b) to promote in the offender a sense of responsibility for, and an
acknowledgment of, that harm; or

(c) to provide for the interests of the victim of the offence; or

(d) to provide reparation for harm done by the offending; or

(e) to denounce the conduct in which the offender was involved; or

(f) to deter the offender or other persons from committing the same or a
similar offence; or

(g) to protect the community from the offender; or

(h) to assist in the offender's rehabilitation and reintegration;


Originally Posted by Haydos
The purpose of the justice system is not to punish, but to prompt reform.

I think i'm lost.


Beccara 8th September 2008 10:34


Originally Posted by Pastor Thug
Not that I really give a fuck, but saying you 'lashed out' combined with the fact that he paid her shitloads of money is not really a good look.

Thats my take on it but IANAL and Cyc is, i'm curious as to the legal ramifications of his public statments on the issue

caffiend 8th September 2008 10:45


Originally Posted by Dan
Cheers bro. So:

(1) The purposes for which a court may sentence or otherwise deal with an
offender are---

(a) to hold the offender accountable for harm done to the victim and the
community by the offending; or

(b) to promote in the offender a sense of responsibility for, and an
acknowledgment of, that harm; or

(c) to provide for the interests of the victim of the offence; or

(d) to provide reparation for harm done by the offending; or

(e) to denounce the conduct in which the offender was involved; or

(f) to deter the offender or other persons from committing the same or a
similar offence; or

(g) to protect the community from the offender; or

(h) to assist in the offender's rehabilitation and reintegration;

Surely each of those (a - h) should have "and" at the end instead of "or".

Haydos 8th September 2008 10:53

@ Dan

From 3.4.1 Rehabilitation as a sentencing goal in New Zealand


The courts have been ready to modify sentencing for rehabilitative purposes if the defendant has already made a genuine attempt to undertake a treatment programme. This strategy is sometimes tested by making attendance at a specified programme a condition of bail. Subject to satisfactory performance, the sentence of supervision is subsequently imposed to ensure continued attendance at the programme.

The general principle that the sentence must be commensurate with the gravity of the offending is equally applicable where the Court is imposing a sentence with a view to achieving the reformation or treatment of the offender or the disposal of a person who is troublesome in the community.
For mine..

It’s been established that Veitch was remorseful for his actions long before it became a public issue. He received counselling and therapy regarding the issue long before it ever hit the newspapers and from all accounts according to his wife, family and close personal friends, he’s never had issues with anger while they’ve known him. You have to also remember that Veitch was honest with his family and also his employer that there had been an issue, which is not the usual “denial” that would indicate he’s not willing to face the consequence.

What we don’t know is how much of the story told by the media is actually true.

Friends of the two came out and said that she was well known for being extremely difficult, causing arguments, insulting him infront of them, coming over at 3am and banging on the door in hysterics and acting in accordance to that of a psychofuckbat. While this doesn’t excuse him from his actions, provocation should definitely be taken into account.

For those saying he’s trying to escape consequence and buy his freedom, remember, it was her lawyers that arranged the deal, but only after he made it clear to her he wouldn’t continue the relationship. This was bitter extortion, plain and simple.

He, being a public figure, knew any indication that he hit his partner would mean the end of his broadcast career so was in a bad position for dealing with it, he came clean to his employers and they advised him to accept the deal. Until we hear the truth of the matter and the court case happens, all we know is she says he kicked her several times, broke her back and left her lying there while he went back to bed. He hasn't given his version of accounts and it seems he won’t until the court case.

Meanwhile, he’s lost his job, despite his honesty to his employers at the time. He’s lost all respect and credibility from several of his well known friends (Matthew Ridge, being one). He’s had his name dragged through public mud over and over again, he’s had media camping out on his every move and realistically, faced more consequence than any of us are ever going to know… yet people are saying he's trying to escape consequence through suicide?

Fuck me, you really are a bunch of zealots.

He, like her, deserves a fair trial - chances are, he's not going to get one.

smudge 8th September 2008 10:57


Originally Posted by CCS
Oh hey - since you put it that way, it seems perfectly fair that John Campbell camps out on his doorstep and commentates on the comings and goings on Veitch's lawyers.

Incidentally, JC lives 3-4 doors down from TV, so it's not like he had to camp out or anything. :>

Pastor Thug 8th September 2008 11:32

Whoa, Haydos and CCS seemingly 'on the same page'.

Pimp-X 8th September 2008 11:49

What an homo.

Odysseus 8th September 2008 11:57

youre cunt

Rocket 8th September 2008 14:05

Kind of distressing to see the demise of someone within 2 months to suicide. I was told by a friend, that he tried to gas himself, not sure how much truth there is to it. But sounds about right.

sv 8th September 2008 14:15

People make mistakes.

Redneck 8th September 2008 14:19


Originally Posted by Rocket
I was told by a friend, that he tried to gas himself, not sure how much truth there is to it. But sounds about right.

I'd have thought he'd jump off a cliff so he could break his own back for once

-Dr.J- 8th September 2008 14:25


Originally Posted by Beccara
Thats my take on it but IANAL and Cyc is, i'm curious as to the legal ramifications of his public statments on the issue

Haha, he anals.

CCS 8th September 2008 14:26


Originally Posted by Pastor Thug
Whoa, Haydos and CCS seemingly 'on the same page'.

I can fix that.


Originally Posted by Haydos
Blah blah asswarts


Rocket 8th September 2008 14:28


Originally Posted by Redneck
I'd have thought he'd jump off a cliff so he could break his own back for once

Thats your call, but I'll see what becomes of the court case before throwing my stone. I think you will find that there is more to this that you can imagine.

StN 8th September 2008 14:31


Originally Posted by -Dr.J-
Haha, he anals.

Eight years ago.

CCS 8th September 2008 14:36

I enjoy vigilante justice as much as the next guy, but I think the mob has had their go and now it's the court's turn.

Redneck 8th September 2008 14:37


Originally Posted by Rocket
Thats your call, but I'll see what becomes of the court case before throwing my stone. I think you will find that there is more to this that you can imagine.

Oh I'm fully prepared to admit I'm wrong - but even if he never laid a finger on her, he's irritating enough to deserve all of this :D

shootme 8th September 2008 14:38

i feel a bit sorry for the poor bastard...sure, what he did was wrong and he should/will get punished for it but watching the media eat one of it's own is sickening...

Fitz 8th September 2008 14:50

This all looks like a PR stunt, how can you fail at suicide if you "really" want to do it? It's an attempt to reverse public opinion leading up to the court case.

I think the whole thing has been blown out of proportion and John Cambell is a fucking idiot, I can only guess how Cambells career would have suffered if Veitch had really intended to kill himself. Would be nice to see Cambell deal with the kind of hate he has aimed at Veitch, but not at the expense of Veitch himself.

CCS 8th September 2008 14:58


Originally Posted by Fitz
This all looks like a PR stunt, how can you fail at suicide if you "really" want to do it?

It's a cry for help!

-Dr.J- 8th September 2008 19:18


Originally Posted by StN
Eight years ago.

Haha CHEERS MAN, I'm not that fresh :p

(he still anals)

(even right now)

Odysseus 9th September 2008 03:53

I'm going down in the anals of history with great tompunnery

[WanG] Wandarah 10th September 2008 01:40


Originally Posted by cEvin
veitched as bro

I laughed and laughed!

The Edge 11th January 2009 11:37

D'Oh, again.

Logik 11th January 2009 12:00


Police sources confirmed Veitch, 34, who is currently facing court over domestic violence charges, was located in dunes on Paunaui beach and eventually rushed to Thames Hospital, 48km away.
"veitched as bro" is now elevated to epic lol status

xor 11th January 2009 12:05

So he's tried to top himself twice now? He's not very good at suicide

StN 11th January 2009 12:06

Third time lucky Tony?

The Edge 11th January 2009 13:38

The wheels of justice seem to turn rather slowly...two years until trial? I know he wants to tell his story (which is fair enough), but can he wait that long?

Pastor Thug 11th January 2009 13:44

LolZ @ his depositions starting on April 1st. There's got to be a joke in that somewhere?

Mickey 11th January 2009 13:44

I feel sorry for him in the fact that he has to wait a very long time for his trial. Two years seems like an unfair time to have your life on hold, especially if he is innocent.
But for someone wanting to keep himself out of the media he's doing some really attention seeky things.

SpaceCowboy 11th January 2009 14:52

im sure he couldnt give a flying fuck what people think tbh.

CCS 11th January 2009 15:04


Originally Posted by Mickey
But for someone wanting to keep himself out of the media he's doing some really attention seeky things.

Yeah. I'm sure that was exactly what was on his mind at the time. You know, that completely rational state of mind that he was in. Yeah. :rolleyes:

Jonas Undrawing 11th January 2009 15:05

well, maybe he takes the drugs or attempts suicide to distract himself from what people think.

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